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A lightweight, flexible python package to insert cohesive elements

About The Project

Simple, extensible python library to read a finite element mesh and insert cohesive elements. Meshes are partitioned into sectors using METIS mesh partitioner, and cohesive elements are inserted between partitions. This allows an arbitrary level of insertion (controlled primarily by the number of partitions) without the user needing to specify cumbersome face-sets along which to insert.


Supported Mesh Formats

Abaqus, ANSYS msh, AVS-UCD, CGNS, DOLFIN XML, Exodus, FLAC3D, H5M, Kratos/MDPA, Medit, MED/Salome, Nastran (bulk data), Neuroglancer precomputed format, Gmsh (format versions 2.2, 4.0, and 4.1), OBJ, OFF, PERMAS, PLY, STL, Tecplot .dat, TetGen .node/.ele, SVG (2D only, output only), SU2, UGRID, VTK, VTU, WKT (TIN), XDMF.

Mesh I/O is facilitated by meshio, see meshio documentation for up-to-date list of supported mesh formats.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


Install via pip

$ python3 -m pip install pyhesive

Or clone the repository and install an editable copy from

$ git clone
$ cd pyhesive
$ python3 -m pip install -e .

Example Usage

[RECOMMENDED] Command line script

$ pyhesive-insert -n 15 /path/to/mesh/file

Additional commmand line arguments are listed via

$ pyhesive-insert --help

The tool is also fully functional via Python module import

import pyhesive as pyh

# create the mesh from plain old data
mesh = pyh.Mesh.from_POD(points,cells,copy=True)

# create partitions
number_of_partitions = 2 # for example

# insert elements between partitions

# write to file, for example in abaqus format
# '.inp' extension is automatically appended
output_file_name = my_mesh_dir/"cohesive_mesh"


To run the test suite, make sure you have pytest and vermin installed. Then clone the repository, and run pytest from the project directory. Alternatively one can also run make test to test additional features such as package upload, installation and minimum Python version.

# to run just the correctness tests
$ pytest
# to run all tests
$ make test


This project is supported by the Center for Exascale-enabled Scramjet Design (CEESD) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This material is based in part upon work supported by the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, under Award Number DE-NA0003963.