This is an app that displays pictures from the NASA APOD API. It pulls their listing, allows you to submit your own pictures and stores all the data using Core Data. Note, that videos are not shown.
To install this app:
Ensure you have cocoapods installed using:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Install pods with:
pod install
Open the app in XCode from the generated
Space Pictures.xcworkspace
and run
Note: For mail submission to work, you must have installed the app on a real device, not using simulator
The app is composed of three main screens:
Space Picture screen occurs on load and is a UICollectionView of the pictures from the APOD API. It has pull to refresh and infinite scrolling capabilities and displays the newest photos first. You can tap pictures here to go to the detail screen, or tap the button in the top right to go to the apod submission screen.
This screen is pushed onto the navigation controller when any cell in the space pictures screen is tapped. It shows extra details of the tapped picture returned from the APOD API.
This is presented after pressing the APOD Submission button the top right of the Space Pictures Screen. This is an email submission where users can add their own space pictures to submit to NASA.