This animation features randomly moving particles connecting to other particles
If you clone or download this repository all you have to do to see the animation is drag the file named "index.html" to your browser, if you want to change the settings edit the file named "config.js" with your preferred plain text editor.
You can actually use this animation for your OBS background or overlays, although take in mind that this is not an image or a video, it can consume a lot of processing power depending on the quantity of particles you put. To add it to OBS is simple, just drag the "index.html" file to your sources section or add a browser source that points to that file, if you change anything you will have to press the refresh button on the source.
Also one of the purposes for this animation is the possibility of having it as a wallpaper, that's why I added it to Wallpaper Engine where you can customize it however you want easily. Also, the wallpaper got approved by the developers, the link is down below.