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jask999 committed Dec 28, 2023
0 parents commit 4676701
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .idea/Wall-R.iml

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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
import numpy as np
#import ImageInfo
import math

import AttributeScoreArrays # remove when done

def reset():
ImageInfo.populate_storage() # REMOVEEEE MAYBE TODO here look

imageDataBase = np.load("imageDatabaseTesting.npy", allow_pickle=True)
def update():
for x in range (len(imageDataBase)):
imageDataBase[x,6] = False"imageDatabaseTesting.npy", imageDataBase)


#ImageInfo.populate_storage() #keep here when done

colorScores = np.load("colorScores.npy", allow_pickle=True)

#colorScores[0,1,1] = 2 # [depth, row, column]

color = np.array([255, 81, 37])

def RGB_to_index (color):

R = color[0]
G = color[1]
B = color[2]

intervals = 256/8

RIndex = R/intervals
RIndex = math.floor(RIndex)

GIndex = G/intervals
GIndex = math.floor(GIndex)

BIndex = B/intervals
BIndex = math.floor(BIndex)

return RIndex, GIndex, BIndex

#colorIndex = RGB_to_index(color)
#colorScores[RGB_to_index(mostDomaniantColor)] = 2

LTDratioScores = np.load("LTDScores.npy", allow_pickle=True) #TODO just a todo to make sure i remember: its 21 becuase the 21st index keeps track of the score of images where LTDratio is over 1


def LTDratio_to_index(LTDRATIO):
interval = 1/10

LTDIndex = LTDRATIO/interval

if LTDIndex >= 20:
LTDIndex = 20
LTDIndex = math.floor(LTDIndex)

return LTDIndex

ratioIndex = LTDratio_to_index(LTDRATIO)

authorScores = np.load("authorScores.npy", allow_pickle=True)

author = "PlayerInk"

# i use this inside the for loop and for some reason if the variable was not referneced inside the function doing thats illegal

def author_to_index(author):
global authorScores

counter = 0
authorIndex = 0

for i in range (len(authorScores[:,1]) + 1):
if authorScores[i,0] != author:
counter = counter + 1

if counter == len(authorScores[:,1]):
authorScores = np.append(authorScores, [[author, 1]], axis=0)"authorScores.npy", authorScores)
authorIndex = i

return authorIndex

AuthorIndex = author_to_index(author)


def score_adder (rating):
adder = -17.565+6.633*rating+-0.864*rating**2+0.048 * rating**3
return adder

rating = 10 # make it whole numbers

fakeBestImageIndex = 0

#print("\nColor Scores:")
#print("\nAuthor Scores:")
#print("\nLTD ratio Score::")

def change_scores (rating, bestImageIndex):
adder = score_adder(rating)

RGBvalue = imageDataBase[bestImageIndex, 2] # retreives the images RGB value from the correct row and column
RGBIndexes = RGB_to_index(RGBvalue) # converts the RGB value of the image into the index of the score array

colorScores[RGBIndexes] = colorScores[RGBIndexes] + adder

RGBvalue2 = imageDataBase[bestImageIndex, 3] # This is the same thing as above but for the second most domaniant color
RGBIndexes2 = RGB_to_index(RGBvalue2)

colorScores[RGBIndexes2] = colorScores[RGBIndexes2] + math.floor(adder/1.1) # Here Instead of just adding, adder. This is done to reduce the influence for the second most domaniant color to the scores
#score impacts:
# 1 = -10, 2 = -6, 3 = -3,4 = -1, 5 = 0, 6 = 0, 7 = 2, 8 = 3, 9 = 6, 10 = 9 everything has an impact of one less execept a one star which has an impact of 2 less

RGBvalue3 = imageDataBase[bestImageIndex, 4] # Now for 3rd most domaniant color
RGBIndexes3 = RGB_to_index(RGBvalue3)

colorScores[RGBIndexes3] = colorScores[RGBIndexes3] + math.floor(adder/1.3)
#Score Impacts of /1.3:
# 1 = -9, 2 = -5, 3 = -3, 4 = -1, 5 = 0, 6 = 0, 7 = 2, 8 = 3, 9 = 5, 10 = 7"colorScores.npy", colorScores)

LTDratio = imageDataBase[bestImageIndex, 5]
LTDIndex = LTDratio_to_index(LTDratio)

LTDratioScores[LTDIndex] = LTDratioScores[LTDIndex] + adder"LTDScores.npy", LTDratioScores)

authorValue = imageDataBase[bestImageIndex, 1]
authorIndex = author_to_index(authorValue)

authorScores[authorIndex, 1] = int(authorScores[authorIndex, 1]) + adder"authorScores.npy", authorScores)

" ------------------------------------------------ "
" \n\n\n\n\n ")



#change_scores(rating, fakeBestImageIndex)


def populate_final_scores():
score = np.array([])
for x in range (len(imageDataBase)):
scoringImage = imageDataBase[x,:]
for y in range (1,6):

if y == 1:
author = scoringImage[y]
indexAuthor = author_to_index(author) #still need this becasue it will add the author to the list if its a new author
authorScore = authorScores[indexAuthor,1]

if y == 2:
color1 = scoringImage[y]
indexColor1 = RGB_to_index(color1)
color1Score = colorScores[indexColor1]

if y == 3:
color2 = scoringImage[y]
indexcolor2 = RGB_to_index(color2)
color2Score = colorScores[indexcolor2]

if y == 4:
color3 = scoringImage[y]
indexcolor3 = RGB_to_index(color3)
color3Score = colorScores[indexcolor3]

if y == 5:
LTD = scoringImage[y]
indexLTD = LTDratio_to_index(LTD)
LTDscore = LTDratioScores[indexLTD]

finalScore = round(((color1Score + color2Score + color3Score)/3)) + int(authorScore)+ LTDscore # Do i need the int, the 4th image was actually from asa1 #TODO make it divide by 3
score = np.append(score, finalScore)

return score


def get_highscore ():
score = populate_final_scores()
#This 1D "score" array contains the score for each image
#in the same order that it was retrevied and stored in the ImageDatabase array
scoreLength = len(score) # length of the "score" array
sortedScore = np.arange((scoreLength))
#.arange method creates an array of 0,1,2,3... until the length of "score"

for x in range(scoreLength - 1):
# This is now the modified selection sort algorithm, which sorts "score"
# whenever a swap is made in "score" the same swap is made in "sortedScore"
# This keeps track of the original indexes of the values from "score" array
maxIndex = x
for y in range(x + 1, scoreLength):
if score[maxIndex] < score[y]:
maxIndex = y
if maxIndex != x:
temp = score[maxIndex]
score[maxIndex] = score[x]
score[x] = temp # swap is made for "score"

temp = sortedScore[maxIndex]
sortedScore[maxIndex] = sortedScore[x]
sortedScore[x] = temp # same swap is made for "sortedScore"

# Once "score" is sorted, "sortedScore" will be also sorted such that:
# "sortedScore" has the indexes of sorted "score" values in desending order

for i in range (0,scoreLength):
x = sortedScore[i]

if imageDataBase[x, 6] == False:
bestImageIndex = x
imageDataBase[x, 6] = True"imageDatabaseTesting.npy", imageDataBase)
bestImageIndex = None
return bestImageIndex

#best = get_highscore()


35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import numpy as np

def initialize_attribute_score_array():
scoreOfColors1 = np.ones((8,8,8))"colorScores.npy", scoreOfColors1)


LTDratioScores = np.ones((21))"LTDScores.npy", LTDratioScores)


authorScores = np.empty((0,2))
authorScores = np.append(authorScores, [["asa1", 1]], axis=0) # need to have something in array cuz if array is empty the if statement cant compare (i think), this is just easier and better to do over writing an if statement"authorScores.npy", authorScores)



authorScores = np.load("authorScores.npy", allow_pickle=True)
LTS = np.load("LTDScores.npy", allow_pickle=True)
Color = np.load("colorScores.npy", allow_pickle=True)

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