A creative and customizable React cursor follower component. Inspired by cuberto.com and 14islands.com.
- Magnetic cursor
- Sticky cursor
- Gelly animation
- Change background color and background image on specific elements
- Can add text
- Can change cursor size smoothly
- Exclusion effect on specific elements
npm i react-creative-cursor
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
It's essential to add the Cursor component to each route if you want to use all options properly. otherwise, if you want to use cursor follower, feel free and import in app or layout component.
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-magnetic>
<h1>Magnetic Cursor<h1>
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-stick="#stick-title">
<h1 id="stick-title" style={{textAlign: center}}>Sticky Cursor<h1>
It's better for the element which the pointer sticks to be a block and text-center element.
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-color="#61dbfb">
<h1 id="stick-title">Colorized Cursor<h1>
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-size="80px">
<h1 id="stick-title">Sized Cursor<h1>
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-background-image="https://reactjs.org/logo-og.png" data-cursor-size="200px">
<h1 id="stick-title">React.js<h1>
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-exclusion style={{backgroundColor: '#fff'}}>
<h1 id="stick-title">React.js<h1>
import { Cursor } from 'react-creative-cursor';
import 'react-creative-cursor/dist/styles.css';
const index = () => {
return (
<Cursor isGelly={true} />
<div data-cursor-background-text="React" data-cursor-size="100px">
<h1 id="stick-title">React.js<h1>
Props | Value Type | Default Value |
isGelly | boolean | false |
animationDuration | number | 1.25 |
animationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Expo.easeOut |
gellyAnimationAmount | number | 50 |
stickAnimationAmount | number | 0.09 |
stickAnimationDuration | number | 0.7 |
stickAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Power4.easeOut |
magneticAnimationAmount | number | 0.2 |
magneticAnimationDuration | number | 0.7 |
magneticAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Power4.easeOut |
colorAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Power4.easeOut |
colorAnimationDuration | number | 0.2 |
backgroundImageAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
undefined |
backgroundImageAnimationDuration | number | 0 |
sizeAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Expo.easeOut |
sizeAnimationDuration | number | 0.5 |
textAnimationEase | string | gsap.EaseFunction | undefined |
Expo.easeOut |
textAnimationDuration | number | 1 |
cursorSize | number | 48 |
cursorBackgrounColor | string | '#000' |
exclusionBackgroundColor | string | '#fff' |
cursorInnerColor | string | '#fff' |