New feature - Added support for ASP.NET CoreCLR
New feature - Reduced memory allocations when reading and writing JSON
New feature - Added support for passing arguments to JsonConverters with JsonConvertAttribute
New feature - Added JsonConvert.ToString overload that takes a StringEscapeHandling parameter
Change - Omit fields array for F# discriminated union serialization when there are no fields
Change - Escape property names in path on readers/writers/tokens when a name contains special characters
Change - Provide line numbers for end tokens on JTokenReader
Fix - Fixed parsing in SelectToken when the path has an escaped property followed by an unescaped property
Fix - Fixed error when deserializing a GUID from certain BSON
Fix - Fixed null reference error when using a JEnumerable created with its default constructor
Fix - Fixed line breaks in exception messages to use Environment.NewLine
Fix - Fixed MetadataTypeAttribute reflection error on ASP.NET CoreCLR
Fix - Fixed immutable collections reflection error on ASP.NET CoreCLR
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