New feature - Added MetadataPropertyHandling
New feature - Added support for reading MS format JSON dates to ReadAsDateTime
New feature - Added support for serializing F# lists, sets and maps
New feature - Added support for XML document type
Change - Blank XML elements will be written as an empty string instead of null
Change - JValue with a null value will be written as null instead of empty string
Change - DateFormatString is now used when reading JSON
Fix - Fixed deserializing null values with extension data
Fix - Fixed converting certain XML namespaces to JSON
Fix - Fixed error with whitespace only JSONPath
Fix - Fixed property query path that starts with $
Fix - Fixed array query path with open brace after $
Fix - Fixed parsing certain JSON with comments into a JObject
Fix - Fixed bug where matching JSONPath incorrectly raises an error
Fix - Fixed non-public base class properties being used instead of child class properties
Fix - Fixed hiding generic properties sometimes not being detected
Fix - Fixed potential race condition serializing F# objects
Fix - Fixed schema divisible sometimes incorrectly validating to false
Fix - Fixed not calling virtual ShouldSerialize methods
Fix - Fixed invalid cast with DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset and IsoDateTimeConverter
Fix - Fixed StringEnumConverter thread safety
Fix - Fixed using FloatParseHandling.Decimal with XmlNodeConverter
Fix - Fixed using DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset with XmlNodeConverter
Fix - Fixed type name handling when a property already has a base type assigned
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