- Backup system (for json)
- Handling multiple json files
- Two types of databases: Mongo and Json
- Importation of json data to mongo & mongo to json
- Simple to use
- Good docs/examples
- You can isntall the package like that:
npm i sileco.db
- You can define it like this simply:
- JSON Database:
const { Database } = require('sileco.db')
const db = new Database()
import { Database } from 'sileco.db'
const db = new Database()
- Mongo Database:
const { Mongo } = require('sileco.db')
const db = new Mongo('your Mongo url here')
import { Mongo } from 'sileco.db'
const db = new Mongo('your Mongo url here')
- JSON database:
- For the Database class, you can pass in a parameter to set a file rather than using the default file!
- TIP: If the file dosen't exist, it will create it
- TIP: If you don't pass in the file Path, it will automatically set the path to ./
- Here is a quick example on optional parameters for the Database class
const { Database } = require('sileco.db')
const db = new Database('./database.json') // -> sets database.json as the database file
- MONGO database:
- For the Mongo class, you can pass in a parameter to specify the connection options. TIP: If you don't specify options, it has some default options for optimization that will always be applied. Here is an quick example for specifing options for the Mongo class:
const { Mongo } = require('sileco.db')
const db = new Mongo('your Mongo uri', {
connectTimeoutMS: 5000 //-> Connects after 5 seconds of waiting
...more connection options
- Here is an example on how to use the mongo database!
const { Mongo } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Mongo('mongo uri here');
db.set('Object', { //-> Object
key: 'value',
key2: 'value'
db.set('Array', [ //-> Array
db.push('Array', 'value to push'); //-> Pushing a value to an array
db.pop('Array', 'value to remove from the array'); //-> Removing something from an array (using value)
db.pop('Array', 'index of the value to remove from the array'); //-> Removing something from an array (using index)
db.fetch('data').then(result => { //-> Fetches the value of the data: "data"
//Do something with the fetched data:
db.add('data', 1); //-> Adds one to the data: "data"
db.subtract('data', 1); //-> Subtracts one from the data: "data"
db.remove('data'); //-> Removes the data: "data" from the database
db.has('data').then(result => { //-> Returns true or false depending on if the db has the provided data or not.
//Do something with the returned result:
db.clear(); //-> Clears everything from the database
db.fetchAllData().then(result => { //-> Fetches everything from db in an array with object elements for each document.
//Do something with with the fetched data:
db.deleteKey('object', 'key'); //-> Deletes the provided key from the given object
db.deleteEach('data'); //-> Deletes each data that starts with the given parameter
//Example For understanding the (deleteEach) function better:
db.set('username-John', 'isiiw92sj');
db.set('username-Luke', 'is8w8iwjs');
db.set('username-James', 'ow9w9wosk');
db.deleteEach('username'); //-> Deletes all the saved usernames
- Here is a exmaple on how to use the json database!
const { Database } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Database();
db.set('Object', { //-> Object
key: 'value',
key2: 'value'
db.set('Array', [ //-> Array
db.push('Array', 'value to push'); //-> Pushing a value to an array
db.pop('Array', 'value to remove from the array'); //-> Removing something from an array (using value)
db.pop('Array', 'index of the value to remove from the array'); //-> Removing something from an array (using index)
db.fetch('data'); //-> Fetches the value of the data: "data"
db.add('data', 1); //-> Adds one to the data: "data"
db.subtract('data', 1); //-> Subtracts one from the data: "data"
db.remove('data'); //-> Removes the data: "data" from the database
db.has('data'); //-> Returns "true" or "false" depending on if the database has the provided data or not.
db.clear(); //-> Clears everything from the database
db.fetchAllData(); //-> Fetches everything in the database
db.deleteKey('object', 'key'); //-> Deletes the provided key from the given object
db.deleteEach('data'); //-> Deletes each data that starts with the given parameter
//Example For understanding the (deleteEach) function better:
db.set('password-John', '882jwid2o');
db.set('password-Tim', 'i82je992');
db.set('password-James', '829ej29');
db.deleteEach('password'); //-> Deletes all the saved passwords
- If you wanted to convert to mongo and stop using json and don't want to lose all your data, then:
- TIP: Only supports json for now....(will soon support sqlite so you can import/export your quick.db data aswell)
const { Mongo } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Mongo('your Mongo uri here');
db.import('kek.json'); //Imports all the json data from "kek.json" to MongoDb.
- If you wanted to convert to json and stop using mongo and don't want to lose all your data, then:
const { Mongo } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Mongo('your Mongo uri here');
db.export('kek.json'); //Exports all the mongo data to "kek.json"
- You can also save your data as a backup, in another file, so if your main database file gets deleted..you cwn backup your data easily!
- Here's an example on how to backup your data:
const { Database } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Database();
db.setBackup('backup.json') //-> Sets "backup.json" as the backup file (As the file path wasn't mentioned, it will be "./backup.json")
- And..Here's the example example on how to load your backup:
const { Database } = require('sileco.db');
const db = new Database();
db.loadBackup(); //-> Loads the backup from the setted file from the (setBackup) function
- Let's say you want to store the passwords and emails for some users..and you want different files to save them.
- Here's an example on how to do that:
const { Database } = require('sileco.db');
const passwords = new Database('passwords.json'); //-> Sets (passwords.json) as the file for saving passwords
const emails = new Database('emails.json'); //-> Sets (emails.json) as the file for saving emails
emails.set('email-Liam', '[email protected]'); //-> Saves the email to the (emails.json) file
passwords.set('password-Liam', '929ek929so29wk'); //-> Saves the password to the (password.json)