Python / FFMPEG script to generate "topic" videos with album cover and metadata from either a single mp3/flac track or an album directory.
Generate video for a single track with artist name, track name, album name and year.
Generate video for an album directory with artist name, album name and year.
Output video is in 1280*720 with the cover art being scaled to 600*600. To alter this resolution you will need to alter the placement of the texts and the image pivot.
For single track:
- .flac / .mp3 file with embedded cover image and the following tags: "artist", "title", "album", "year" or "date"
For directory:
- Folder with .flac / .mp3 files. First track must have embedded cover image and the above tags, except for "title".
Since this is a massive clusterfuck, here's the example of a generated ffmpeg command for the directory/album generator:
ffmpeg -framerate 1
-i "D:/Programas/FFMPEG/background.jpg" //IMPORT BACKGROUND IMAGE INTO STREAM 0 (1280*720)
-i "D:\Downloads\Torrents\Music\C.O.I.N.S. - 2018 - Ancient Coins (320kbps)\01 C.O.I.N.S. - Intro.mp3"
(... inputs)
-i "D:\Downloads\Torrents\Music\C.O.I.N.S. - 2018 - Ancient Coins (320kbps)\11 C.O.I.N.S. - Ahhh!!! Feat. Makeba Mooncycle.mp3"
"[1:v]scale=600:-1[ovrl]; //SCALE COVER ART TO 600*600
[0:V]drawtext=fontsize=25:fontfile="D:/Programas/FFMPEG/font.ttf":fontcolor=white:text={artist}:x=W/2+W/10.5:y=H/11[f1], //DRAW TEXT OVER THE BACKGROUND STREAM
[f1]drawtext=fontsize=25:fontfile="D:/Programas/FFMPEG/font.ttf":fontcolor=white:text={albumName}:x=W/2+W/10.5:y=2*(H/10)[f2], //DRAW TEXT OVER THE BACKGROUND STREAM
[f2]drawtext=fontsize=25:fontfile="D:/Programas/FFMPEG/font.ttf":fontcolor=white:text={year}:x=W/2+W/10.5:y=3*(H/10)[bg]; //DRAW TEXT OVER THE BACKGROUND STREAM
[bg][ovrl]overlay=(W-w)/7:(H-h)/2; //OVERLAY BACKGROUND (W/ TEXT) WITH COVER IMAGE
[1:a][2:a][3:a][4:a][5:a][6:a][7:a][8:a][9:a][10:a][11:a]concat=n=11:v=0:a=1" //STITCH AUDIO STREAMS TOGETHER
-c:v libx264 -r 30 -movflags +faststart "albumVideo.mp4"