Thisproject is the implementation of a data pipeline and analyses of transportaion and roadside construction data within germany and is underlying to a statictical study regarding the impact of roadside constructiontowards the split between rail and road transport. The final report can be found at the bottom of the file.
The following datasourced were used to conduct the analysis:
Datasource1: Beförderte Gütermenge und Beförderungsleistung(Straßengüterverkehr): Deutschland, Jahre, Verkehrswege
- Metadata URL:
- Data URL:
- Data Type: CSV
This datasources holds information about the freight transport (on road) within germany).
- Metadata URL:
- Data URL:
- Data Type: XML
This datasources holds information about the freight transport (on rail) within germany).
- Metadata URL:
- Data URL:
- Data Type: JSON
This datasources holds information about roadside construction in germany.
Find the final report here