Mindustry o7 Hack Client
Quad core or more (for the bot especially)
The prefix is "/"
-Auto change uuid
-Separated directory from mindustry (it won't conflict with mindustry)
-Auto change name
-Change discord rich presence to nonsense word
-In-game code editor (Require JDK 1.8, i doubt it can run in android)
-Auto spam
-Sorter, MassDriver, PowerNode, ItemSource Shuffler
Debug Console Only
-F8 to open console
-Automatically join server
-Use your brain so this bot is actually useful
-Use this button to make bot assists someone
-help (Full commands list)
-makeSlave (Integer input, make another mindustry bot)
-code (Open code editor. For Desktop only)
-msg-write (Write all message block with user input)
-crash (Overloading server block-history and spamming anti griefer user)
-drain (Drain all resource in core)
-mine (Mine something that the mech can)
-teleport (Teleport to specific coordinate, sometime work)
-help (Print all commands list)
-tileset (Configure a block with number)
-light (Turn on/off enviromental light)
-spam (Spam message of user input)
and many more...
-testMobile (Make Desktop UI look like mobile)
-name (String, set name)
and many more
Code Editor
Stupid Color
In-Game GUI
Nexity Griefer Tools (Private)
Provet Atomic Library (Semi-Private)
and some lazy man drunk code
.bat for windows
.sh for linux or smth
Desktop = make a .jar
Android = make a .apk (if it compile properly)
Server = make a headless server .jar (I doubt it work)
Desktop Output = desktop/build/libs/mindustry.jar
Android Output = android/build/outputs/apk
Server Output server/build/libs/server-release.jar
NOTE: Android need android sdk in order to compile
List of .bat and .sh