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[scripts] use HashMap construction
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omelkonian committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent 6096eed commit d43b2eb
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Showing 10 changed files with 193 additions and 183 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Ledger/Crypto.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
module Ledger.Crypto where

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (T)
open import Interface.Hashable public

record isHashableSet (T : Set) : Set₁ where
constructor mkIsHashableSet
Expand Down
109 changes: 5 additions & 104 deletions src/Ledger/Prelude.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,117 +15,18 @@ open import Prelude public

open import Ledger.Prelude.Base public

open import Data.Product.Ext public
open import Data.Maybe.Properties.Ext public

open import Interface.DecEq.Ext public
open import Interface.HasAdd public
open import Interface.HasAdd.Instance public
open import Interface.HasSubtract public
open import Interface.HasSubtract.Instance public
open import Interface.Decidable.Instance public
open import Interface.Hashable public
open import Interface.ComputationalRelation public
open import Ledger.Interface.HasCoin public
open import MyDebugOptions public

-- Set theory

open import Axiom.Set
import Axiom.Set.List as L

List-Model : Theory {0ℓ}
List-Model = L.List-Model
List-Modelᶠ : Theoryᶠ
List-Modelᶠ = L.List-Modelᶠ
List-Modelᵈ : Theoryᵈ
List-Modelᵈ = L.List-Modelᵈ

open Theoryᵈ List-Modelᵈ renaming (Set to ℙ_; filter to filterˢ) public

open import Axiom.Set.Properties th using (card-≡ᵉ)

to-sp : {A : Set} {P : A Set} Decidable¹ P specProperty P
to-sp = id

finiteness : {A} (X : Theory.Set th A) finite X
finiteness = Theoryᶠ.finiteness List-Modelᶠ

lengthˢ : {A} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ (X : Theory.Set th A)
lengthˢ = Theoryᶠ.lengthˢ List-Modelᶠ

lengthˢ-≡ᵉ : {A} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ (X Y : Theory.Set th A)
X ≡ᵉ Y
lengthˢ X ≡ lengthˢ Y
lengthˢ-≡ᵉ X Y X≡Y =
card-≡ᵉ (X , Theoryᶠ.DecEq⇒strongly-finite List-Modelᶠ X)
(Y , Theoryᶠ.DecEq⇒strongly-finite List-Modelᶠ Y) X≡Y

lengthˢ-∅ : {A} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ lengthˢ {A} ∅ ≡ 0
lengthˢ-∅ = refl

setToList : {A : Set} ℙ A List A
setToList = id

≟-∅ : {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ {X : ℙ A} Dec (X ≡ ∅)
≟-∅ = L.Decˡ.≟-∅

open import Axiom.Set.Rel th public
hiding (_∣'_; _↾'_)

open import Axiom.Set.Map th public
renaming (Map to infixr 1 _⇀_)

open import Axiom.Set.TotalMap th public
open import Axiom.Set.TotalMapOn th

open L.Decˡ public
hiding (_∈?_; ≟-∅)

open import Axiom.Set.Sum th public
open import Axiom.Set.Map.Dec List-Modelᵈ public
open import Axiom.Set.Factor List-Model public

module _ {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ where
open Restriction {A} ∈-sp public
renaming (_∣_ to _∣ʳ_; _∣_ᶜ to _∣ʳ_ᶜ)

open Corestriction {A} ∈-sp public
hiding (_↾_; _↾_ᶜ) public

open Restrictionᵐ {A} ∈-sp public
open Corestrictionᵐ {A} ∈-sp public
open Unionᵐ {A} ∈-sp public
open Intersection {A} ∈-sp public
open Lookupᵐ {A} ∈-sp public
open Lookupᵐᵈ {A} ∈-sp public

module _ {A B : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ ⦃ _ : DecEq B ⦄ where
open Intersectionᵐ {A} {B} ∈-sp public

open import Algebra using (CommutativeMonoid)

module _ ⦃ M : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ ⦄ where
open IndexedSumUnionᵐ {A} {B} ∈-sp (_∈? _) public

module Properties where
open import Axiom.Set.Properties th public
module _ {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ where
open Intersectionᵖ {A} ∈-sp public

_ᶠᵐ : {A B : Set} A ⇀ B FinMap A B
(R , uniq) ᶠᵐ = (R , uniq , finiteness _)

infix 2 All-syntax
All-syntax = All
syntax All-syntax (λ x P) l = ∀[ x ∈ l ] P

open import Data.Product.Ext
open import Interface.Hashable

setToHashRel : {A B : Set} {{Hashable A B}} -> ℙ A -> ℙ (B × A)
setToHashRel x = mapˡ hash (map ×-dup x)

setToHashMap : {A B : Set} {{Hashable A B}} -> ℙ A B ⇀ A
setToHashMap x = setToHashRel x ᵐ
where instance _ = record { isLeftUnique = mapˡ∘map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq hashInj }
open import Ledger.Interface.HasCoin public
open import Ledger.Set public
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Ledger/Ratify.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -527,4 +527,3 @@ The latter is the transition relation for ratification of a \GovAction. The thr
\item \RATIFYReject asserts that the given \GovAction is not \accepted and \expired; it removes the governance action.
\item \RATIFYContinue covers the remaining cases and keeps the \GovAction around for further voting.
125 changes: 56 additions & 69 deletions src/Ledger/ScriptValidation.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,63 +1,48 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances #-}

open import Algebra using (CommutativeMonoid)
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Integer using (ℤ; _⊖_)
open import Data.Integer.Ext
open import Data.List as List hiding (map)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat using (_≤?_; _≤_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid ; +-0-commutativeMonoid)
open import Data.Sign using (Sign)
open import Data.Bool using (_∧_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)

import Data.Maybe as M

open import Interface.Decidable.Instance
open import Tactic.AnyOf
open import Tactic.Assumption
open import Tactic.Defaults
open import Tactic.Helpers

open import Ledger.Prelude renaming (map to mapSet)
open import Ledger.Prelude; open Properties
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Script
open import Ledger.Crypto

open Properties

module Ledger.ScriptValidation
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs) (open indexOf indexOfImp)

open TxBody
open TxWitnesses
open Tx

-- Because of missing macro hygiene, we have to copy&paste this.
private macro
∈⇒P = anyOfⁿᵗ (quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻ ∷ [])
P⇒∈ = anyOfⁿᵗ (quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])
∈⇔P = anyOfⁿᵗ (quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻ ∷ quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])

data ScriptPurpose : Set where
Cert : DCert ScriptPurpose
Rwrd : RwdAddr ScriptPurpose
Cert : DCert ScriptPurpose
Rwrd : RwdAddr ScriptPurpose
Mint : ScriptHash ScriptPurpose
Spend : TxIn ScriptPurpose
Spend : TxIn ScriptPurpose

rdptr : TxBody ScriptPurpose Maybe RdmrPtr
rdptr txb (Cert h) = map (λ x Cert , x) (indexOfDCert h (txcerts txb))
rdptr txb (Rwrd h) = map (λ x Rewrd , x) (indexOfRwdAddr h (txwdrls txb))
rdptr txb (Mint h) = map (λ x Mint , x) (indexOfPolicyId h (policies (mint txb)))
rdptr txb (Spend h) = map (λ x Spend , x) (indexOfTxIn h (txins txb))
rdptr txb = λ where
(Cert h) (Cert ,_) $ indexOfDCert h txcerts
(Rwrd h) (Rewrd ,_) $ indexOfRwdAddr h txwdrls
(Mint h) (Mint ,_) $ indexOfPolicyId h (policies mint)
(Spend h) (Spend ,_) $ indexOfTxIn h txins
where open TxBody txb

indexedRdmrs : Tx ScriptPurpose Maybe (Redeemer × ExUnits)
indexedRdmrs tx sp = maybe (λ x lookupᵐ? (txrdmrs (wits tx)) x ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄)
(rdptr (body tx) sp)
indexedRdmrs tx sp = maybe (λ x lookupᵐ? txrdmrs x ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄) nothing (rdptr body sp)
where open Tx tx; open TxWitnesses wits

-- Abstract Script Validation Functions

Expand All @@ -69,12 +54,14 @@ indexedRdmrs tx sp = maybe (λ x → lookupᵐ? (txrdmrs (wits tx)) x ⦃ _ ∈?
-- Notation

getDatum : Tx UTxO ScriptPurpose List Datum
getDatum tx utxo (Spend txin) = maybe (λ { (_ , _ , just x) maybe (λ x₁ [ x₁ ])
(lookupᵐ? (txdats (wits tx)) x ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄)
; (_ , _ , nothing) []})
((lookupᵐ? utxo txin ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄))
getDatum tx utxo (Spend txin) = let open Tx tx; open TxWitnesses wits in
(λ { (_ , _ , just x)
maybe (λ x₁ [ x₁ ]) [] (lookupᵐ? txdats x ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄)
; (_ , _ , nothing) []
(lookupᵐ? utxo txin ⦃ _ ∈? _ ⦄)
getDatum tx utxo _ = []

Expand All @@ -95,19 +82,13 @@ txInfo : Language → PParams
txInfo l pp utxo tx = record
{ realizedInputs = utxo ∣ (txins txb)
; txouts = txouts txb
; fee = inject (txfee txb)
; mint = mint txb
; txcerts = txcerts txb
; txwdrls = txwdrls txb
; txvldt = txvldt txb
; vkKey = reqSigHash txb
; txdats = txdats (wits tx)
; txid = txid txb
txb = body tx
{ TxBody body
; TxWitnesses wits
; realizedInputs = utxo ∣ txins
; fee = inject txfee
; mint = mint
; vkKey = reqSigHash
} where open Tx tx; open TxBody body

DelegateOrDeReg : DCert Set
DelegateOrDeReg (delegate x x₁ x₂ x₃) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,39 +135,45 @@ certScripts (deregdrep (inj₁ x)) | yes p = nothing
certScripts (deregdrep (inj₂ y)) | yes p = just (Cert (deregdrep (inj₂ y)) , y)

scriptsNeeded : UTxO TxBody ℙ (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
scriptsNeeded utxo txb = mapPartial (λ x spendScripts x (scriptOutsWithHash utxo)) (txins txb)
∪ mapPartial (λ x rwdScripts x) (dom $ proj₁ $ (txwdrls txb))
∪ mapPartial (λ x certScripts x) (setFromList $ txcerts txb)
∪ mapSet (λ x (Mint x) , x) (policies (mint txb))
scriptsNeeded utxo txb
= mapPartial (λ x spendScripts x (scriptOutsWithHash utxo)) txins
∪ mapPartial (λ x rwdScripts x) (dom $ txwdrls .proj₁)
∪ mapPartial (λ x certScripts x) (setFromList txcerts)
∪ map (λ x (Mint x) , x) (policies mint)
where open TxBody txb

-- We need to add toData to define this
valContext : TxInfo ScriptPurpose Data
valContext txinfo sp = toData (txinfo , sp)

scriptHashInTx : ScriptHash Tx Bool
scriptHashInTx sh tx = ⌊ any? (λ s hash s ≟ sh) (tx .Tx.wits .TxWitnesses.scripts) ⌋
scriptHashInTx sh tx = ⌊ sh ∈? map proj₁ (m ˢ) ⌋
where m = setToHashMap $ TxWitnesses.scripts (Tx.wits tx)

-- need to get map from language script ↦ cm
-- need to update costmodels to add the language map in order to check
-- (Language ↦ CostModel) ∈ costmdls ↦ (Language ↦ CostModel)

collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' : PParams Tx
(ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
Maybe (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo (sp , sh) with lookupScriptHash sh tx
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' : PParams Tx UTxO (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
Maybe (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo (sp , sh)
with lookupScriptHash sh tx
... | nothing = nothing
... | just s with isInj₂ s | indexedRdmrs tx sp
... | just p2s | just (rdmr , eu) = just (s , (((getDatum tx utxo sp)
++ rdmr
∷ valContext (txInfo (language p2s) pp utxo tx) sp ∷ [])
, eu
, PParams.costmdls pp))
... | just s
with isInj₂ s | indexedRdmrs tx sp
... | just p2s | just (rdmr , eu)
= just (s ,
( (getDatum tx utxo sp ++ rdmr ∷ valContext (txInfo (language p2s) pp utxo tx) sp ∷ [])
, eu
, PParams.costmdls pp)
... | x | y = nothing

collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs : PParams Tx
List (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo with scriptsNeeded utxo (body tx)
... | ans = setToList $ mapPartial (λ { z collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo z}) ans
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs : PParams Tx UTxO
List (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo
= setToList
$ mapPartial (collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo)
$ scriptsNeeded utxo (tx .Tx.body)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Set.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Ledger.Set where

open import Ledger.Set.Theory public
open import Ledger.Set.HashMap public
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Set/HashMap.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Ledger.Set.HashMap where

open import Prelude
open import Data.Product.Ext
open import Interface.Hashable
open import Ledger.Set.Theory

module _ {A B : Set} ⦃ _ : Hashable A B ⦄ (X : ℙ A) where

setToHashRel : ℙ (B × A)
setToHashRel = mapˡ hash (map ×-dup X)

setToHashMap : B ⇀ A
setToHashMap = setToHashRel ᵐ
where instance _ = record { isLeftUnique = mapˡ∘map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq hashInj }

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