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alternative type classes for order relations
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williamdemeo committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 9de6a4e commit 2ccd0af
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Showing 15 changed files with 219 additions and 116 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Data/Nat/Properties/Ext.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

module Data.Nat.Properties.Ext where

open import Data.Nat using (_<_)
import Data.Nat as ℕ
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
Expand All @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ negInduction {P = P} P? P0 (N , ¬PN)
... | yes (k , _ , h) = k , h
... | no ¬p = contradiction (k≤N⇒Pk ≤-refl) ¬PN
helper : {k} k < N P k P k × P (suc k)
helper : {k} k ℕ.< N P k P k × P (suc k)
helper {k} k<N Pk =
Pk , decidable-stable (P? _) (curry (curry (¬∃⟶∀¬ ¬p k) k<N) Pk)

k<N⇒P'k : {k} k < N P k × P (suc k)
k<N⇒P'k : {k} k ℕ.< N P k × P (suc k)
k<N⇒P'k {zero} k<N = helper k<N P0
k<N⇒P'k {suc k} k<N = helper k<N (proj₂ $ k<N⇒P'k {k} (<⇒≤ k<N))

k≤N⇒Pk : {k} k ≤ N P k
k≤N⇒Pk : {k} k ℕ.≤ N P k
k≤N⇒Pk {zero} k≤N = P0
k≤N⇒Pk {suc k} k≤N = proj₂ $ k<N⇒P'k k≤N
137 changes: 123 additions & 14 deletions src/Interface/HasOrder.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,31 +2,140 @@

module Interface.HasOrder where

open import Prelude hiding (_⊔_; suc; isPartialOrder; isEquivalence; trans)
open import Level using (_⊔_; suc)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Decidable; Antisymmetric)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Decidable; Antisymmetric; Irreflexive; Asymmetric)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsDecTotalOrder ; IsStrictTotalOrder; IsTotalOrder)

module _ {a ℓ ℓ₂} (A : Set a) (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) where
module _ {α ℓ} (A : Set α) (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) where

record HasPreorder : Set (aℓ ⊔ suc ℓ) where
infix 4 _≤_
record HasPreorder : Set (α ⊔ suc ℓ) where
infix 4 _≤_ _<_
_≤_ : Rel A ℓ₂
isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_
_≤_ _<_ : Rel A ℓ
≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_
<-irrefl : Irreflexive _≈_ _<_
≤⇔<∨≈ : {a b} a ≤ b ⇔ (a < b ⊎ a ≈ b)

record HasPartialOrder : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ suc ℓ₂) where
open HasPreorder
record HasPartialOrder : Set (α ⊔ suc ℓ) where
hasPreorder : HasPreorder
antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ (_≤_ hasPreorder)
≤-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ (HasPreorder._≤_ hasPreorder)

record HasDecPartialOrder : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ suc ℓ₂) where
open HasPreorder hasPreorder public -- HasPartialOrder should expose fields of HasPreorder

<⇒≤∧≠ : {x y} x < y x ≤ y × ¬ (x ≈ y)
<⇒≤∧≠ {x}{y} x<y = (Equivalence.from ≤⇔<∨≈ (inj₁ x<y)) , λ x≈y <-irrefl x≈y x<y

≤-antisym⇒<-asym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_ Asymmetric _<_
≤-antisym⇒<-asym antisym x<y y<x = proj₂ (<⇒≤∧≠ x<y) (antisym (proj₁ (<⇒≤∧≠ x<y)) (proj₁ (<⇒≤∧≠ y<x)))

<-asymmetric : Asymmetric _<_
<-asymmetric = ≤-antisym⇒<-asym ≤-antisym

<⇒¬>⊎≈ : {x y} x < y ¬ (y < x ⊎ x ≈ y)
<⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₁ y<x) = <-asymmetric x<y y<x
<⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₂ x≈y) = <-irrefl x≈y x<y

≤-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
≤-isPartialOrder = record { isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder ; antisym = ≤-antisym }

record HasDecPartialOrder : Set (α ⊔ suc ℓ) where
infix 4 _≤?_
hasPartialOrder : HasPartialOrder
_≤?_ : Decidable (HasPreorder._≤_ (HasPartialOrder.hasPreorder hasPartialOrder))
open HasPartialOrder hasPartialOrder
_≤?_ : Decidable _≤_

-- conversions
-- strict to nonstrict
module _ (_<_ : Rel A ℓ) where -- If we start with
module _ (<-isStrictPartialOrder : IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_) -- a strict partial order...
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.StrictToNonStrict _≈_ _<_

hasPreorderFromStrict : HasPreorder -- ...we have a preorder, including
hasPreorderFromStrict = record -- a nonstrict ordering _≤_ and
{ _≤_ = _≤_ -- a (trivial) proof of ≤⇔<∨≈.
; _<_ = _<_
; ≤-isPreorder = isPreorder₂ <-isStrictPartialOrder -- Note we don't need decidability of
; <-irrefl = irrefl <-isStrictPartialOrder -- _≈_ to go from strict to non-strict.
; ≤⇔<∨≈ = mk⇔ id id
where open IsStrictPartialOrder

module _ (<-isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_) -- a strict partial order...
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.StrictToNonStrict _≈_ _<_

<-STO⇒≤-isTotalOrder : IsTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
<-STO⇒≤-isTotalOrder = isTotalOrder <-isStrictTotalOrder

<-STO⇒≤-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
<-STO⇒≤-isPartialOrder = IsTotalOrder.isPartialOrder <-STO⇒≤-isTotalOrder

<-STO⇒≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_
<-STO⇒≤-isPreorder = IsPartialOrder.isPreorder (IsTotalOrder.isPartialOrder <-STO⇒≤-isTotalOrder)

<-STO⇒<-isStrictPartialOrder : IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_
<-STO⇒<-isStrictPartialOrder = IsStrictTotalOrder.isStrictPartialOrder <-isStrictTotalOrder

hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPreorder
hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder = record -- including a nonstrict ordering _≤_
{ _≤_ = _≤_ -- and a (trivial) proof of ≤⇔<∨≈.
; _<_ = _<_
; ≤-isPreorder = <-STO⇒≤-isPreorder
; <-irrefl = IsStrictTotalOrder.irrefl <-isStrictTotalOrder -- _≈_ to go from strict to non-strict.
; ≤⇔<∨≈ = mk⇔ id id

<-STO⇒≤-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_ -- Note that the non-strict ordering
<-STO⇒≤-antisym = antisym (isEquivalence <-STO⇒<-isStrictPartialOrder) -- is necessarily antisymmetric,
(transEq <-STO⇒<-isStrictPartialOrder) -- hence a partial ordering.
(<-irrefl hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder)
open IsStrictPartialOrder renaming (trans to transEq)
open HasPreorder using (<-irrefl)

hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPartialOrder
hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder = record
{ hasPreorder = hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder
; ≤-antisym = <-STO⇒≤-antisym }

<-STO⇒≤-isDecidable : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
<-STO⇒≤-isDecidable = isDecTotalOrder <-isStrictTotalOrder --

hasDecPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasDecPartialOrder
hasDecPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder = record
{ hasPartialOrder = hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder
; _≤?_ = IsDecTotalOrder._≤?_ <-STO⇒≤-isDecidable }

-- nonstrict to strict
module _ (_≤_ : Rel A ℓ) -- If we start with
(≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_) -- a non-strict preorder and
(_≈?_ : a b Dec (a ≈ b)) -- a decidable equality...
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.NonStrictToStrict _≈_ _≤_

hasPreorderFromNonStrict : HasPreorder
hasPreorderFromNonStrict = record -- including a strict ordering _<_
{ _≤_ = _≤_ -- and a proof of ≤⇔<∨≈.
; _<_ = _<_
; ≤-isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder
; <-irrefl = <-irrefl
; ≤⇔<∨≈ = λ {a b} mk⇔
(λ a≤b case (a ≈? b) of λ where (yes p) inj₂ p ; (no ¬p) inj₁ (a≤b , ¬p))
λ where (inj₁ a<b) proj₁ a<b ; (inj₂ a≈b) IsPreorder.reflexive ≤-isPreorder a≈b

open HasPreorder ⦃...⦄ public
-- open HasPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public
-- open HasDecPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public
open HasPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public
open HasDecPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Interface/HasOrder/Instance.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ import Data.Nat.Properties as NatProp

preoInt : HasPreorder ℤ _≡_
preoInt = record { _≤_ = ℤ._≤_; isPreorder = IntProp.≤-isPreorder }
preoInt = hasPreorderFromNonStrict ℤ _≡_ ℤ._≤_ IntProp.≤-isPreorder IntProp._≟_

leqInt : HasPartialOrder ℤ _≡_
leqInt = record { hasPreorder = preoInt; antisym = IntProp.≤-antisym }
leqInt = record { hasPreorder = preoInt ; ≤-antisym = IntProp.≤-antisym }

DecLeqInt : HasDecPartialOrder ℤ _≡_
DecLeqInt = record { hasPartialOrder = leqInt ; _≤?_ = ℤ._≤?_ }

preoNat : HasPreorder ℕ _≡_
preoNat = record { _≤_ = ℕ._≤_; isPreorder = NatProp.≤-isPreorder }
preoNat = hasPreorderFromNonStrict ℕ _≡_ ℕ._≤_ NatProp.≤-isPreorder NatProp._≟_

leqNat : HasPartialOrder ℕ _≡_
leqNat = record { hasPreorder = preoNat; antisym = NatProp.≤-antisym }
leqNat = record { hasPreorder = preoNat ; ≤-antisym = NatProp.≤-antisym }

DecLeqNat : HasDecPartialOrder ℕ _≡_
DecLeqNat = record { hasPartialOrder = leqNat ; _≤?_ = ℕ._≤?_ }
94 changes: 49 additions & 45 deletions src/Ledger/Epoch.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,99 +7,103 @@ open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (compare; Rel)
open import Algebra using (Semiring)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Total)
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences using (tri⇒irr)
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences -- using (tri⇒irr)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-*-semiring; ≤-isTotalOrder)

import Data.Nat as ℕ

record EpochStructure : Set₁ where
infix 4 _≤ˢ_ _<ˢ_
infix 4 _<ˢ_
field Slotʳ : Semiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
Epoch : Set; ⦃ DecEq-Epoch ⦄ : DecEq Epoch
Epoch : Set
⦃ DecEq-Epoch ⦄ : DecEq Epoch

_≡ᵉ?_ : (e e' : Epoch) Dec(e ≡ e')
_ ≡ᵉ? _ = it

Slot = Semiring.Carrier Slotʳ

field epoch : Slot Epoch
firstSlot : Epoch Slot
_ˢ_ : Rel Slot 0ℓ
Slot-TO : IsTotalOrder _≡_ _ˢ_
_<ˢ_ : Rel Slot 0ℓ
Slot-STO : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<ˢ_
StabilityWindow : Slot
sucᵉ : Epoch Epoch
⦃ DecEq-Slot ⦄ : DecEq Slot

_≡ˢ?_ : (s s' : Slot) Dec(s ≡ s')
_ ≡ˢ? _ = it

_<ˢ_ : Rel Slot _
s <ˢ s' = s ≤ˢ s' × ¬ (s ≡ s')
-- preorders and partial orders

-- partial order
preoSlot : HasPreorder Slot _≡_
preoSlot = hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder Slot _≡_ _<ˢ_ Slot-STO

≤ˢ-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isPartialOrder = IsTotalOrder.isPartialOrder Slot-TO
poSlot : HasPartialOrder Slot _≡_
poSlot = hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder Slot _≡_ _<ˢ_ Slot-STO

≤ˢ-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isPreorder = IsPartialOrder.isPreorder ≤ˢ-isPartialOrder
decpoSlot : HasDecPartialOrder Slot _≡_
decpoSlot = hasDecPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder Slot _≡_ _<ˢ_ Slot-STO

≤ˢ-isAntisymmetric : Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isAntisymmetric = IsPartialOrder.antisym ≤ˢ-isPartialOrder
_≤ˢ_ : Rel Slot _
_≤ˢ_ = _≤_ preoSlot -- old definition: s ≤ˢ s' = s <ˢ s' ⊎ s ≡ s'

≤ˢ-isTransitive : Transitive _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isTransitive = IsPreorder.trans ≤ˢ-isPreorder
≤ˢ-antisym : Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-antisym = ≤-antisym

≤ˢ-isTotal : Total _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isTotal = Slot-TO
≤ˢ-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder preoSlot

preoSlot : HasPreorder Slot _≡_
preoSlot = record { _≤_ = _≤ˢ_ ; isPreorder = ≤ˢ-isPreorder }
≤ˢ-reflexive : Reflexive _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-reflexive = IsPreorder.reflexive ≤ˢ-isPreorder refl

poSlot : HasPartialOrder Slot _≡_
poSlot = record { hasPreorder = preoSlot ; antisym = ≤ˢ-isAntisymmetric }
≤ˢ-transitive : Transitive _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-transitive = IsPreorder.trans (≤-isPreorder preoSlot)

Dec≡⋀TotAntisym≤⇒Dec≤ : Decidable _≡_ Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤ˢ_ Total _≤ˢ_ Decidable _≤ˢ_
Dec≡⋀TotAntisym≤⇒Dec≤ dec≡ antisym≤ tot≤ x y with dec≡ x y | tot≤ x y
... | yes refl | _ = true because ofʸ (IsPartialOrder.reflexive ≤ˢ-isPartialOrder refl)
... | no ¬p | inj₁ x≤y = true because ofʸ x≤y
... | no ¬p | inj₂ y≤x = false because (ofⁿ (λ x≤y ¬p (antisym≤ x≤y y≤x)))
≤ˢ-isTotalOrder : IsTotalOrder _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isTotalOrder = <-STO⇒≤-isTotalOrder Slot _≡_ _<ˢ_ Slot-STO

≤ˢ-total : Total _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-total = ≤ˢ-isTotalOrder

_≤ˢ?_ : (s s' : Slot) Dec (s ≤ˢ s')
_≤ˢ?_ = Dec≡⋀TotAntisym≤⇒Dec≤ _≡ˢ?_ ≤ˢ-isAntisymmetric ≤ˢ-isTotal
_≤ˢ?_ = _≤?_

≤ˢ-isDecTotalOrder : IsDecTotalOrder _≡_ _≤ˢ_
≤ˢ-isDecTotalOrder = record { isTotalOrder = Slot-TO ; _≟_ = _≡ˢ?_ ; _≤?_ = _≤ˢ?_ }
≤ˢ-isDecTotalOrder = record { isTotalOrder = ≤ˢ-isTotalOrder ; _≟_ = _≡ˢ?_ ; _≤?_ = _≤ˢ?_ }

Dec-≤ˢ : {n m} Dec (n ≤ˢ m)
Dec-≤ˢ = Decidable²⇒Dec _≤ˢ?_

decpoSlot : HasDecPartialOrder Slot _≡_
decpoSlot = record { hasPartialOrder = poSlot ; _≤?_ = _≤ˢ?_ }
Dec-<ˢ : {n m : Slot} Dec (n <ˢ m)
Dec-<ˢ = Decidable²⇒Dec (IsStrictTotalOrder._<?_ Slot-STO)

_≤ᵉ_ : Epoch Epoch Set
e ≤ᵉ e' = firstSlot e ≤ˢ firstSlot e'

≤ᵉ-isReflexive : Reflexive _≤ᵉ_
≤ᵉ-isReflexive = IsPreorder.reflexive ≤ˢ-isPreorder refl
≤ᵉ-reflexive : Reflexive _≤ᵉ_
≤ᵉ-reflexive = ≤ˢ-reflexive

_≤ᵉ?_ : e e' Dec (e ≤ᵉ e')
e ≤ᵉ? e' = firstSlot e ≤ˢ? firstSlot e'

≤ᵉ-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ _≤ᵉ_
≤ᵉ-isPreorder .IsPreorder.isEquivalence = Ledger.Prelude.isEquivalence
≤ᵉ-isPreorder .IsPreorder.reflexive refl = ≤ᵉ-isReflexive
≤ᵉ-isPreorder .IsPreorder.trans ij jk = ≤ˢ-isTransitive ij jk
≤ᵉ-isPreorder .IsPreorder.reflexive refl = ≤ᵉ-reflexive
≤ᵉ-isPreorder .IsPreorder.trans ij jk = ≤ˢ-transitive ij jk

preoEpoch : HasPreorder Epoch _≡_
preoEpoch = hasPreorderFromNonStrict Epoch _≡_ _≤ᵉ_ ≤ᵉ-isPreorder _≡ᵉ?_

_<ᵉ_ : Rel Epoch _
_<ᵉ_ = HasPreorder._<_ preoEpoch

_ = ( {n m} Dec (n <ˢ m)) ∋ it
_ = ( {n m} Dec (n ≤ˢ m)) ∋ it
_ = ( {n m} Dec (n <ᵉ m)) ∋ it
_ = ( {n m} Dec (n ≤ᵉ m)) ∋ it

preoEpoch : HasPreorder Epoch _≡_
preoEpoch = record { _≤_ = _≤ᵉ_ ; isPreorder = ≤ᵉ-isPreorder }

-- addition

open Semiring Slotʳ renaming (_+_ to _+ˢ_)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,8 +136,8 @@ record GlobalConstants : Set₁ where
.epoch slot slot / SlotsPerEpochᶜ
.firstSlot e e * SlotsPerEpochᶜ
._ˢ_ ℕ.__
.Slot-TO ≤-isTotalOrder
._<ˢ_ ℕ._<_
.Slot-STO Data.Nat.Properties.<-isStrictTotalOrder
.StabilityWindow StabilityWindowᶜ
.sucᵉ suc

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger.agda
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open import Algebra using (CommutativeMonoid)
open import Algebra.Morphism using (module MonoidMorphisms)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-commutativeMonoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Structures
import Data.Nat as ℕ

open import Foreign.Convertible

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ module Implementation where
.inject id
.policies λ _
.size λ x 1 -- there is only ada in this token algebra
._≤ᵗ_ _≤_
._≤ᵗ_ ℕ._≤_
.AssetName String
.specialAsset "Ada"
.property λ _ refl
Expand Down

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