FYN (Fight your Nafs) is a brand that helps people that are struck into some inappropriate addictions and help them find a way in their life. This project was developed to assist their business using the most updated and cutting-edge technologies.
NOTE: Due to some unknown reasons, the client never updated the website with their own content and website
is still today running and active on the testing data
- Next JS (Frontend + Backend)
- Firebase Authentication
- Firestore Database
- Vercel (Deployment)
- GSAP (Animations)
Next JS offers great scalability with the options such as Server Side Rendering and its most appealing option for me in this project i.e. Incremental Static Regeneration of pages that boosts the website speed by a huge margin. Alongside these factors, setting up the backend is super easy in Next JS as well as it offers prebuilt API
Firebase is an obvious choice whenever it comes to Authentication as it offers the easiest steps to integrate proper authentication without worrying much about the tokens and storage.
Vercel goes perfectly with Next JS as deploying your web applications on Vercel is extremely straightforward because of the flawless integration between Vercel and Next JS.
GSAP is a javascript library that was used to implement all the smooth animations on the homepage you see. It offers great hooks that function well with React JS.
Want a website like this for yourself? Let's get in touch here: Email:[email protected] Whatsapp: +92-333-457-4770