Ebesu, Shen, Fang - The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR '18
This repository by Aditya Srivastava is a PyTorch port to the original TensorFlow project.
- Start a Jupyter server and open the notebook.
- Run notebook cells, beginning at the top and moving downwards.
- Pretraining the network is optional; pretrained embeddings have been provided already in
- Python 3.6.7
- Jupyter
- torch 1.1.0
- numpy 1.16.4
- tqdm 4.32.2
The structure of the data in the npz file is as follows:
train_data = [[user id, item id], ...]
test_data = {userid: (pos_id, [neg_id1, neg_id2, ...]), ...}
My thanks to Travis Ebesu, one of the authors of the paper linked above, for helping debug the project and clear up any questions I had along the way.
Please feel free to contact me/raise an issue in case of any questions/bugs.