Figure number: Figure 3.41 From the IPCC Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report: Chapter 3
Summary figure showing simulated and observed changes in key large-scale indicators of climate change across the climate system, for continental, ocean basin and larger scales. Black lines show observations, brown lines and shading show the multi-model mean and 5-95th percentile ranges for CMIP6 historical simulations including anthropogenic and natural forcing, and blue lines and shading show corresponding ensemble means and 5-95th percentile ranges for CMIP6 natural-only simulations. Temperature timeseries are as in Figure 3.9, but with smoothing using a low pass filter. Precipitation timeseries are as in Figure 3.15 and ocean heat content as in Figure 3.26.
- Bock, L.: DLR, Germany; [email protected]
- Gillett, N.: Environment and Climate Change Canada
- ESMValTool-AR6-OriginalCode-FinalFigures: ar6_chapter_3
- ESMValCore-AR6-OriginalCode-FinalFigures: fix_cmip6_models_newcore
Recipes used:
- recipes/ipccwg1ar6ch3/recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_atmosphere_fig_3_9.yml
- recipes/ipccwg1ar6ch3/recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_fig_3_41_pr.yml
- recipes/ipccwg1ar6ch3/recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_fig_3_41_siconc.yml
Diagnostic used: diag_scripts/ipcc_ar6/tas_anom_damip.ncl
- Fig_3_41.pdf (See the section Additional instructions below.)
received from Lee De Mora (CA in Chapter 3, [email protected]):
received from Chapter 2:
- AR6_FGD_assessment_timeseries_OHC.csv
- ESMValTool environment file: IPCC_environments/ar6_newcore_lisa_conda_environment.yml
- pip file: IPCC_environments/ar6_newcore_lisa_pip_environment.txt
Machine used: Mistral
- Run the three ESMValTool recipes listed above to generate the nc-files:;; tsline_collect_siconc_*.nc
- Run IPCC_additional_scripts/Fig_3_41_ohc.ncl to generate the nc-file: (input are ohc-files listed under addtional datasets)
- Run IPCC_additional_scripts/Fig_3_41_collect.ncl to create the final figure: Fig_3_41.pdf