We report contact matrices derived from JUNE-COX and JUNE-UK the details of this can be found at A Mixed-Method Approach to Determining Contact Matrices in the Cox’s Bazar Refugee Settlement.
The results are reported in the following way; There are four contact matrix types, CM, CMV, PNCM and UNCM.
- CM: Total contacts per day at each venue
- CMV: Venue normalised assuming everyone contacts everyone else at a venue per hour per person
- PNCM: Population normalised contact matrices for probabilistic contacts per hour per person informed by data
- UNCM: Venue population normalised contact matrices for probabilistic contacts per hour per person informed by data
There are three age binnings;
- All: Ages 0-99.
- syoa: Age bin for all ages. [0, 1, 2, ... , 98, 99]
- AC: Adult and child binning. [0-17, 18-99]
Lastly any file prefixed with "Err_" is the corresponding error estimate on that contact matrix.