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Admin: Configuration Management

Hiromu Hota edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 1 revision


Spoon manages configuration files in $HOME/.kettle for repositories.xml, .spoonrc, etc.; and in $HOME/.pentaho/metastore for NamedCluster, Default Run Configuration, etc. This is also true for webSpoon: user configurations are managed in these folders of the server. These folders are owned by the user who runs the Tomcat; thus, every end-user accessing the same server shares the same configuration. To make webSpoon truly multi-user ready, these configuration files have to be managed separately for each user.


There are other things that have to be considered in terms of configuration management; namely, third-party JDBC drivers, plugins downloaded from marketplace, etc. These things would require some architectural changes; hence, I'd like to put them aside and focus on $HOME/.kettle and $HOME/.pentaho/metastore here.

How should they be managed?

The most straight-forward way is just assigning different directories to different users as Spoon. Alternatively, user settings can be stored in a database like many other webapps. Whether files or a database, it is desirable that they are not locked-in to a single webSpoon instance, but shared by multiple instances when scaling-out. The other option is a browser cookie: The RAP Deverlopers' Guide says user settings can be stored in a browser cookie, which expires in 3 months though (hard-coded in here).

The table below shows what each role is required to do.

Method Developer Admin-user End-user
Files Implement user authentication Manage users and directories N/A
Database Implement user authentication, Change how to save/load configs Manage users and database N/A
Cookie Change how to save/load configs N/A Configure per browser

Current status has taken the first approach "Files". As a result, a part of configuration files in $HOME/.kettle/users/$username (see the table below) and all in $HOME/.pentaho/metastore/users/$username are dedicated to $username only if user authentication is enabled like described in here. If not, the same configurations direct under $HOME/.kettle and $HOME/.pentaho/metastore are used for anyone accessing it.

Item Description As of Desired Comments Main PDI properties file; contains global variables for low-level PDI settings Shared <-- This affects all users; hence, should be managed only by admin.
shared.xml Shared objects file Dedicated <--
db.cache The database cache for metadata Dedicated <--
repositories.xml Connection details for PDI database or solution repositories Dedicated <--
.spoonrc User interface settings, including the last opened transformation/job Dedicated <--
.languageChoice Default language for the PDI client tool Shared Dedicated It takes more engineering effort to change, but one global setting may be just fine. Not documented Dedicated <--

The directory structures are as below.

├── .languageChoice
└── users
    ├── user1
    │   ├── .spoonrc
    │   ├── data
    │   │   └── Untitled.ktr
    │   ├── db.cache-
    │   ├── repositories.xml
    │   ├── shared.xml
    │   ├── shared.xml.backup
    │   └──
    └── user2
        ├── .spoonrc
        └── data

As can be seen in the directory tree, data folder is experimentally created under $HOME/.kettle/users/$username/data. This folder is meant to store Kettle files and prevents them from being dispersed in the server.

├── caches
│   ├── ehcache
│   └── libfonts2
├── classic-engine
│   ├── system
│   └── user
└── users
    ├── user1
    │   └── metastore
    │       └── pentaho
    │           ├── Default\ Run\ Configuration
    │           │   └── Configuration\ 2.xml
    │           ├── NamedCluster
    │           │   └── test.xml
    │           └── Spark\ Run\ Configuration
    │               └── Configuration\ 3.xml
    └── user2
        └── metastore
            └── pentaho
                └── Default\ Run\ Configuration
                    └── Configuration\ 1.xml