The power of lit-html with osagai
You can get it on npm.
npm install lit-osagai
Or import from unpkg
import { define, html } from "";
import { define, html } from "lit-osagai";
function HelloWorld() {
return () => html`
<h1>Hello World</h1>
define("hello-world", HelloWorld);
Define a new custom element
String Name for the new custom element. Note that custom element names must contain a hyphen (ex. hello-world)Component
OsagaiComponent Function that will return a Template function that defines the layout of your custom element. Referenceoptions
Object Configuration options from Osagai and custom elements. Reference
Interprets a template literal as an HTML template that can efficiently render to and update a container. From lit-html docs
Returns TemplateResult
Attach a shadow dom in the element. More at Osagai docs
Add a callback to be performed when the element is connected in the document. Osagai docs
OsagaiElement Instance of the osagai element.callback
Function Function that will be perfomed when the element is connected.
Add a callback to be performed when the element is disconnected from the document. Osagai docs
OsagaiElement Instance of the osagai element.callback
Function Function that will be perfomed when the element is disconnected.
Add a callback to be performed when one of the attribute from the observedAttributeslist is added, changed or removed. Osagai docs
OsagaiElement Instance of the osagai element.callback
Function Function that will be runned with an object with the information of the attribute changed. (name, current, old)
Updates the data of the Component, scheduling a new change in the DOM using lit-html and return a promise with the new data returned by the dataChanger.
OsagaiElement Instance of the element to be updated. ReferencedataChanger
Function Function that receive as parameter the data that needs to be changed and needs to return the new data. This could also be a promise that will be resolved by the update function. Reference
Returns Promise a promise with the new data changed