Swiftmailer Spool for Doctrine packaged into a Symfony2 Bundle
Installation instructions:
Easiest way to install is via composer, add those lines to
:``` "require": { ... "tss/automailer-bundle": "dev-master" }
and then run ```composer.phar install```
- Then enable the bundle in ```./app/AppKernel.php```:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new TSS\AutomailerBundle\TSSAutomailerBundle(),
If your project uses Entity Manager mappings, you need to include TSSAutomailerBundle as well, in
:orm: ... entity_managers: default: connection: default mappings: ... TSSAutomailerBundle: ~
Change Swiftmailer spool type in
:swiftmailer: ... spool: { type: automailer }
Update your db with Bundle's entity:
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Set a cron to execute the queue:
app/console swiftmailer:spool:send
You can also test the spool by adding a new email with:
app/console automailer:test [email protected]
Automailer has also a Beanstalk integration feature, which uses pheanstalk to send a job with swiftmailer:spool:send
to a queue/tube. This feature is activated automatically once a new email is sent through mailer, if pheanstalk is installed and if you add this inside ./app/config.yml
beanstalk: true
Enjoy :)