Examples of AWS API integrations with Stratoscale Symphony
This repository aims to examplify and document some of the common AWS use cases stratoscale supports, as well as helping you get started with aws tooling against Stratoscale Symphony.
Currently supported service apis include:
- EC2 APIs at
https://<region ip>/api/v2/aws/ec2/
- RDS APIs at
https://<region ip>/api/v2/aws/rds
- ELB APIs at
https://<region ip>/api/v2/aws/elb
- Submit working examples only
- If your example doesn't work yet or WIP, please mention it in a simple
- Please mark configuration variables with
access_key = "<key>"
secret_key = "<secret>"
endpoint_url = "https://<symphony-region-ip>/api/v2/aws/ec2/"