This repository provides the prototypical implementation for the change extraction, change propagation, incremental model update, and adaptive instrumentation of the CIPM approach.
The project requires Java 13 and an Eclipse Modeling Tools 2021-03 instance with the installation of Xtext (from the Marketplace), PCM 5.0 (from update site), Lombok (from update site), Checkstyle (from update site), and SDQ Commons 2.0 (from update site).
Currently, further required plugins are contained within the Git submodules. After the submodules have been initialized, Vitruv and Palladio-Supporting-EclipseJavaDevelopmentTools need to be setup according to their documentation, and the following plugins need to be imported into Eclipse:
- From the CIPM-Pipeline:
- cipm.consistency.base.shared
- cipm.consistency.models.instrumentation
- All from Vitruv and Palladio-Supporting-EclipseJavaDevelopmentTools
- From Vitruv-Domains-ComponentBasedSystems:
- From Vitruv-Applications-ComponentBasedSystems:
- tools.vitruv.applications.pcmjava.util
- tools.vitruv.applications.util.temporary
- From Palladio-ReverseEngineering-SoMoX-JaMoPP:
- org.somox.core
- org.somox.filter
- org.somox.kdmhelper
- org.somox.sourcecodedecorator
- org.somox.util
- org.somox.gast2seff
- From this repository:
- cipm.consistency.commitintegration.diff.util
- cipm.consistency.commitintegration.settings
- org.splevo.commons
- org.splevo.diffing
- org.splevo.extraction
- org.splevo.jamopp.diffing
- org.splevo.jamopp.extraction
- org.splevo.jamopp.util
A new Eclipse instance with all imported plugins has to be started. Afterwards, the remaining plugins of this repository need to be imported.