Zato tutorial using postgres, redis, rabbitmq deployed via Vagrant
Following the tutorial at and
After cloning use the vagrant cloud image for ubuntu/trusty
vagrant box add ubuntu\trusty
Create the VM's and initialise using
vagrant up
This will create four VM's: postgresdb, rabbitmq, zatoweb, djangoweb
The tutorial currently only requires zatoweb and postgresdb
to access the servers using vagrant e.g.
vagrant ssh postgresdb
vagrant ssh rabbitmq
vagrant ssh zatoweb
vagrant ssh djangoweb
After initialisation logon to the zatoweb, the vagrant file creates the base cluster however it isnt started by default
vagrant ssh zatoweb
sudo su - zato
#Create the cluster
#quickstart create takes zato quickstart create $path \
# postgresql $odb_host $odb_port $odb_user $odb_db_name \
# $kvdb_host $kvdb_port --verbose
zato quickstart create /usr/share/zato postgresql 5432 zato1 zato1 localhost 6379 --verbose
#When prompeted enter 'zato1' as the DB user and password
#Dont enter a password or user of kvdb as these use the defaults
#note the generated password. e.g. ikik-oreb-oteh-amel"
#Start zato
#zato cluster is installed in /usr/share/zato
After starting you can access the admin interface from your host machine at http://localhost:8183 as the port has been forwarded
For convenience the files used in the tutorial are available within vagrant from
these can be used for hot deployment throughout the tutorials