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Xsear edited this page Jan 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

Creating a Meldii compatible addon:

This page will help you package up you addon for use with Meldii.

Packaging the addon:

Basically a Meldii addon is just a zip file contains your addons files and a melder_info.ini file.

The recommended structure inside the zip is this:


That is that the top level entry in the zip is a folder with your addons name, then in this folder you have all the files and content for your addon as well as the melder_info.ini (the ini can really go any where but this is preferred).

Now for the normal content of the melder_info.ini:

author=Bill Murray
description=Who are you gonna call

Most of the above should be self explanatory, but to be clear.

  • Patch refers to the most recent version of Firefall that this addon is compatible with.
  • Description can be multi lined.

Here are more options that you can use but aren't commonly needed

  • destination is used in mods to set where the contents of the addon will be extracted to, any file in the zip will cause the original file to be backup-ed and overwritten with the file in the zip.
  • remove You can have multiple remove commands, this will cause Meldii to back these up and remove them when the addon is installed
  • ignore You can have multiple ignore commands, these files will not be extracted from the addons zip.

Now that you have your addon packaged up its time to host it!

Hosting the addon:

At the moment you have two choices when it comes to hosting a Meldii addon.

In the Help flyout in Meldii there is a Melder Info Generator, use this to create the tags you will need to embed in your fourm thread.


When you embed this in your forum post you will get a One click install button as well as the tags Meldii need to check if there is a new version out.
That mean that each time you release an update you will need to edit or replace these tags with new ones.

Hosted on the Firefall forums:

If the addon is hosted on the forums that means that the addon is attached to the post as an attachment.
Once you have uploaded the file to the forums paste the url to it into Meldiis info generator to create the correct tags and then place those in your forum post.

Direct download:

.. say stuff