CLGen Cepheus Light character generator by Omer Golan-Joel This is open source code, feel free to use it for any purpose Contact me at [email protected]
Web app - to use it please go to
v1.61 - February 12th, 2021
- Fixed erraneous Merchant survival throws.
- "Administration" is now used throughout the chargen system rather than "Admin".
- Character death option descriptions improved.
v1.6 - February 12th, 2021
- Added the option to select a specific career to generate.
- Skills are now limited to INT+EDU.
- Refactored the skill addition mechanism for uniformity and clarity.
v1.5 - February 11th, 2021
- Command line interface and Excel generation capabilities greatly improved.
v1.4 - February 11th, 2021
- Command line option added (
v1.3 - February 10th, 2021
- Character death radio buttons now reetain their previous selection upon page reload. Thanks Jo Jaquinta for the fix!
v1.2.1 - February 9th, 2021
- When character death is turned off, a failed survival throw now terminated the career (as a failed reenlistment throw).
v1.2 - February 8th, 2021
- Now includes the ability to choose between death in character generation and no death in character generation.
v1.1 - February 8th, 2021
- Now includes a "generate" button to regenerate the character.
- Fixed the "broke character" bug.
- Rebalanced weapon generation.
- Fixed several additional minor bugs.
v1.0 - February 7th, 2021
- Full version - now with a Flask-based web interface.
v0.6 - August 11th, 2020
- Code now has the basis for toggling character death and career choice.
- Added support for UTF-8 non-ASCII characters.
v0.5 - August 10th, 2020
- First crude Flask web "interface" added.
v0.45 - August 10th, 2020
- Implemented command line character output string.
- Tweaked career choice for more interesting variety.
v0.4 - August 10th, 2020
- Resolved several invetory iteration problems.
- Added skill and inventory processing.
- Added personal titles.
v0.3 - August 10th, 2020
- Full character generation logic completed (though not the output code).
v0.2 - August 9th, 2020
- Added all 12 careers' data.
- More progress on career loop.
v0.1 - August 2nd, 2020
- Greatly expanded the three name lists (surnames, female given names, and male given names).
v0.01 - February 24th, 2020
- First commit. Very partial code, requires much work to get basic functions.