- Copy .env.template to .env
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up flyway
The diff operation in pgModeler is quite fragile and not recommended used directly.
We use Flyway (for now) to generate database migrations. Flyway is a SQL file based migration system. PgModeler is used to generate diff SQL files and then apply Flyway migration.
- Verify db is up to date by running
docker-compose up flyway
- Modify the pgmodeler model
- Modify accordingly and run
pgmodeler-cli.exe --diff --save --input infrao.dbm --compare-to infrao --conn-alias local-db --output migrations/V2__add_viheralue_table.sql --pgsql-ver 14.0
- Validate and modify the migration file
- Migrate by running
docker-compose up flyway
Or alternatively use ./diff.bat
./diff.bat V2__description
docker-compose run --rm flyway migrate -target="1.1.0"
docker-compose run --rm -e FLYWAY_USER=infrao_admin -e FLYWAY_PASSWORD=<password> -e FLYWAY_URL=jdbc:postgresql://trepx-paikka1.tre.t.verkko:5432/omaisuudenhallinta_test_db flyway migrate
psql -p 5434 -d infrao -U infrao_admin -f .\docs\db\generate_docs.sql
& 'C:\Program Files\pgModeler\pgmodeler-cli.exe' --export-to-png --input .\db\infrao.dbm --output .\docs\db\schema.png
Or in Linux, accordingly:
/opt/pgModeler/pgmodeler-cli --export-to-png --input db/infrao.dbm --output docs/db/schema.png
The documentation materials are written using R Markdown and rendered to HTML using Bookdown. Once .Rmd files have been edited, they should be rendered locally with Docker using the render.sh (render.ps1 on Windows) script.
For Windows, you may need to enable script support first.
Open Powershell as an administrator and run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
The index.Rmd file is a special file that always gets rendered first
Other Rmd files get rendered in alphabetic order to separate pages.
Use the YAML header section (separated by ---
) of index.Rmd to define a author, title, and abstract for the materials.
The HTML is rendered using custom HTML and CSS templates defined in the index.Rmd YAML header. By default, these are src/custom.html and src/custom.css. Edit the template files to change the layout and appearance of the output.
Always preview the affect of changes to template files before committing changes.
This can be done by rendering the output HTML locally using render.sh.
After rendering, navigate to the out directory, start a http server (python -m http.server
), and open http://localhost:8000.