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Fix reading the local database state just after the initial write. Re…
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…duce latency of the database observer
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laevandus committed Aug 13, 2024
1 parent d40a2f3 commit b6511ca
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Showing 3 changed files with 62 additions and 85 deletions.
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## StreamChat
### ⚡ Performance
- Use background database observers for `CurrentUserController.currentUser`, `ChatChannelMemberListController.members`, and `ChatMessageController.message` which reduces CPU usage on the main thread [#3357](
- Reduce latency of the `BackgroundDatabaseObserver` by reducing thread switching when handling changes [#3373](
### 🐞 Fixed
- Fix rare crashes when deleting local database content on logout [#3355](
- Fix rare crashes in `MulticastDelegate` when accessing it concurrently [#3361](
- Fix reading the local database state just after the initial write [#3373](
### 🔄 Changed
- Made loadBlockedUsers in ConnectedUser public [#3352](
- Removed Agora and 100ms related code, the recommended way to support calls is to use StreamVideo [#3364](
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Expand Up @@ -28,37 +28,32 @@ class BackgroundDatabaseObserver<Item, DTO: NSManagedObject> {
/// When called, notification observers are released
var releaseNotificationObservers: (() -> Void)?

private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.getstream.list-database-observer", qos: .userInitiated, attributes: .concurrent)
private let processingQueue: OperationQueue

private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.getstream.list-database-observer", qos: .userInitiated)
private var _items: [Item] = []

/// The items that have been fetched and mapped
/// - Note: Fetches items synchronously if the observer is in the middle of processing a change.
var rawItems: [Item] {
// When items are accessed while DB change is being processed in the background,
// we want to return the processing change immediately.
// Example: controller synchronizes which updates DB, but then controller wants the
// updated data while the processing is still in progress.
let state: (isProcessing: Bool, preparedItems: [Item]) = queue.sync { (_isProcessingDatabaseChange, _items) }
if !state.isProcessing {
let state: (needsValidation: Bool, preparedItems: [Item]) = queue.sync { (_rawItemsNeedsValidation, _items) }
if !state.needsValidation {
return state.preparedItems
// Otherwise fetch the state from the DB but also reusing existing state.
// Validate current items and update the _items property for the next access.
// Note that already cached items are reused (items loaded by the initial fetch).
var items = [Item]()
frc.managedObjectContext.performAndWait {
items = mapItems(changes: nil, reusableItems: state.preparedItems)
items = processItems(nil, reusableItems: state.preparedItems, rawItemsNeedsValidation: false, notify: false)
return items

private var _isProcessingDatabaseChange = false
private var _rawItemsNeedsValidation = true

private var _isInitialized: Bool = false
private var isInitialized: Bool {
get { queue.sync { _isInitialized } }
set { queue.async(flags: .barrier) { self._isInitialized = newValue } }
set { queue.async { self._isInitialized = newValue } }

deinit {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,19 +93,13 @@ class BackgroundDatabaseObserver<Item, DTO: NSManagedObject> {
sectionNameKeyPath: nil,
cacheName: nil

let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
operationQueue.underlyingQueue = queue = ""
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
processingQueue = operationQueue

changeAggregator.onWillChange = { [weak self] in

changeAggregator.onDidChange = { [weak self] changes in
self?.updateItems(changes: changes)
guard let self else { return }
let reusableItems = queue.sync { self._items }
self.processItems(changes, reusableItems: reusableItems, rawItemsNeedsValidation: false, notify: true)

Expand All @@ -129,95 +118,64 @@ class BackgroundDatabaseObserver<Item, DTO: NSManagedObject> {

frc.delegate = changeAggregator

/// Start a process to get the items, which will then notify via its blocks.
// Start loading initial items and do not call delegates for the initial change
// because the initial state is available even when accessing rawItems before this
// function finishes. There can be a race between initial load and DB write which
// requires validation when rawItems are accessed.
frc.managedObjectContext.perform {
self.processItems(nil, reusableItems: [], rawItemsNeedsValidation: true, notify: true)

private func notifyWillChange() {
let setProcessingState: (Bool) -> Void = { [weak self] state in
self?.queue.async(flags: .barrier) {
self?._isProcessingDatabaseChange = state
let setNeedsValidation: (Bool) -> Void = { [weak self] state in
self?.queue.async {
self?._rawItemsNeedsValidation = state

guard let onWillChange = onWillChange else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Do not allow reading the state directly from FRC when accessing rawItems in will change

private func notifyDidChange(changes: [ListChange<Item>], onCompletion: @escaping () -> Void) {
private func notifyDidChange(changes: [ListChange<Item>]) {
guard let onDidChange = onDidChange else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {

private func getInitialItems() {
updateItems(changes: nil)

/// This method will add a new operation to the `processingQueue`, where operations are executed one-by-one.
/// The operation added to the queue will start the process of getting new results for the observer.
private func updateItems(changes: [ListChange<Item>]?, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
let operation = AsyncOperation { [weak self] _, done in
guard let self = self else {
// Operation queue runs on the same `self.queue`
let reusableItems = self._items
self.frc.managedObjectContext.perform {
self.processItems(changes, reusableItems: reusableItems) {


/// This method will process the currently fetched objects, and will notify the listeners.
/// When the process is done, it also updates the `_items`, which is the locally cached list of mapped items
/// This method will be called through an operation on `processingQueue`, which will serialize the execution until `onCompletion` is called.
private func processItems(_ changes: [ListChange<Item>]?, reusableItems: [Item], onCompletion: @escaping () -> Void) {
let items = mapItems(changes: changes, reusableItems: reusableItems)

/// We want to make sure that nothing else but this block is happening in this queue when updating `_items`
/// This also includes finishing the operation and notifying about the update. Only once everything is done, we conclude the operation.
queue.async(flags: .barrier) {
self._items = items
self._isProcessingDatabaseChange = false
let returnedChanges = changes ?? items.enumerated().map { .insert($1, index: IndexPath(item: $0, section: 0)) }
self.notifyDidChange(changes: returnedChanges, onCompletion: onCompletion)

/// This method will asynchronously convert all the fetched objects into models.
/// This method is intended to be called from the `managedObjectContext` that is publishing the changes (The one linked to the `NSFetchedResultsController`
/// in this case).
/// Once the objects are mapped, those are sorted based on `sorting`
private func mapItems(changes: [ListChange<Item>]?, reusableItems: [Item]) -> [Item] {
/// - Important: Must be called from the managed object's perform closure.
@discardableResult private func processItems(_ changes: [ListChange<Item>]?, reusableItems: [Item], rawItemsNeedsValidation: Bool, notify: Bool) -> [Item] {
let objects = frc.fetchedObjects ?? []
return DatabaseItemConverter.convert(
let items = DatabaseItemConverter.convert(
dtos: objects,
existing: reusableItems,
changes: changes,
itemCreator: itemCreator,
itemReuseKeyPaths: itemReuseKeyPaths,
sorting: sorting
queue.async {
self._items = items
self._rawItemsNeedsValidation = rawItemsNeedsValidation
guard notify else { return }
let returnedChanges = changes ?? items.enumerated().map { .insert($1, index: IndexPath(item: $0, section: 0)) }
self.notifyDidChange(changes: returnedChanges)

return items
27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions Tests/StreamChatTests/BackgroundListDatabaseObserver_Tests.swift
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Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ final class BackgroundListDatabaseObserver_Tests: XCTestCase {

func test_changeAggregatorSetup() throws {
let expectation1 = expectation(description: "onWillChange is called")
observer.onWillChange = {

let expectation2 = expectation(description: "onDidChange is called")
observer.onDidChange = { _ in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,6 +201,28 @@ final class BackgroundListDatabaseObserver_Tests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(expectedIds, { $0 })

func test_accessingItems_whenObservationStartsWithEmptyDBAndWriteHappens_thenWrittenDataIsReturned() throws {
let initialFinishedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Initial")
observer = BackgroundListDatabaseObserver<String, TestManagedObject>(
database: database,
fetchRequest: fetchRequest,
itemCreator: { $0.testId },
sorting: []
observer.onDidChange = { [initialFinishedExpectation] _ in
try observer.startObserving()
// Immediate write after starting to observe (race between initial load and DB change)
try database.writeSynchronously { session in
let context = try XCTUnwrap(session as? NSManagedObjectContext)
let item = try XCTUnwrap(NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "TestManagedObject", into: context) as? TestManagedObject)
item.testId = "1"
item.testValue = "testValue1"
XCTAssertEqual(["1"], { $0 })

// MARK: -

private func startObservingAndWaitForInitialResults() throws {
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