Reference Implementation of the Dufour-Peyton Intersection Algorithm. Calculates the Intersections of Arbitrary Polygons with a Geospatial Raster. Originally developed for geoblaze.
- supports very large rasters because speed determined by number of geometry vertices
- avoids double counting pixels in overlapping polygons
- supports multi-polygons
- supports overlapping holes
npm install dufour-peyton-intersection
import dufour_peyton_intersection from "dufour-peyton-intersection";
const result = dufour_peyton_intersection.calculate({
// bounding box of raster in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
raster_bbox: [ 69.15892987765864, 1.4638624159537426, 90.43900703997244, 11.81870408668788],
// height of the raster in pixels
raster_height: 472,
// width of the raster in pixels
raster_width: 970,
// height of each pixel in the spatial reference system
// in the example below, height is in degrees
pixel_height: 0.02193822387867402,
// width of each pixel in the spatial reference system
// in the example below, width is in degrees
pixel_width: 0.02193822387867402,
// a GeoJSON
// currently, this algorithm only support the following geometry types: Polygon and MultiPolygon
geometry: geojson,
// callback function run on each horizontal strip of consecutive intersecting pixels
per_row_segment: ({ row, columns }) => {
console.log("row index is (starting from zero):", row);
const [start, end] = columns;
console.log(`columns range is inclusive, starting at column ${start} and ending at column ${end}`);
// callback function run on each raster pixel that intersects the geometry
per_pixel: ({ row, column }) => {
console.log("we found a raster pixel that intersects the geometry at");
console.log("row (from top to bottom): " + row);
console.log("column (from left to right): " + column)
calculate returns the following object:
rows: [
<91 empty items>, // empty rows mean that the geometry does not intersect these raster rows
[ [ 500, 504 ] ], // 5 pixels (500 to 504) in row 92 (zero-index) intersect the geometry
[ [ 491, 505 ] ],
[ [ 490, 499 ], [ 501, 505 ] ], // two parts of the geometry intersect this row and are separated by 1 pixel at index 500
[ [ 487, 506 ] ],
... 380 more items