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Better parallel proving
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langston-barrett committed Jun 26, 2024
1 parent a836bc3 commit cd99fcd
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 17 deletions.
128 changes: 111 additions & 17 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Backend/Prove.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,23 +4,32 @@ Description : Proving goals under assumptions
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2024
License : BSD3
This module contains helpers to dispatch the proof obligations arising from
symbolic execution using SMT solvers. There are several dimensions of
configurability, encapsulated in a 'ProofStrategy':
== Overview
The functions in this module dispatch proof obligations arising from symbolic
execution using SMT solvers. There are several dimensions of configurability,
encapsulated in a 'ProofStrategy':
* Offline vs. online: Offline solvers ('offlineProver') are simpler to manage
and more easily parallelized, but starting processes adds overhead, and online
and more easily parallelized, but starting processes adds overhead; online
solvers ('onlineProver') can share state as assumptions are added. See the
top-level README for What4 for further discussion of this choice.
* Failing fast ('failFast') vs. keeping going ('keepGoing')
* Timeouts: Proving with timeouts ('offlineProveWithTimeout') vs. without
* Parallelism: Not yet available via helpers in this module, but may be added to
a 'ProofStrategy' by clients.
Once an appropriate strategy has been selected, it can be passed to entrypoints
such as 'proveObligations' to dispatch proof obligations.
== Parallelism
Parallel proving is available via a separate set of entrypoints, e.g,
'proveGoalsInParallel'. It only makes sense to use these with offline 'Prover's.
Furthermore, these can only be used with 'ProofStrategy's that operate in the
'IO' monad.
== Proving goals
When proving a single goal, the overall approach is:
* Gather all of the assumptions ('Assumptions') currently in scope (e.g.,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,13 +79,18 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Backend.Prove
, proveGoals
, proveObligations
, proveCurrentObligations
-- * Proving goals in parallel
, proveGoalsInParallel
, proveObligationsInParallel
, proveCurrentObligationsInParallel
) where

import qualified Control.Concurrent as CC
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as CCA
import qualified Control.Concurrent.QSem as CCQ
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError, liftEither)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,14 +143,15 @@ consumeGoalsWithAssumptions onGoal onConj goals =
(\gl -> Reader.asks (\asmps -> onGoal asmps gl))
(\g1 g2 -> onConj <$> g1 <*> g2)

-- | Not exported, but see 'proveGoalsInParallel'
consumeGoalsParallel ::
Monoid asmp =>
-- | Consume a 'Prove'
(asmp -> goal -> IO a) ->
(asmp -> goal -> IO r) ->
-- | Consume a 'ProveConj'
(IO () -> IO () -> IO ()) ->
(r -> r -> IO r) ->
CB.Goals asmp goal ->
IO [a]
IO r
consumeGoalsParallel onGoal onConj goals = do
caps <- CC.getNumCapabilities
sem <- liftIO $ CCQ.newQSem caps
Expand All @@ -146,8 +161,48 @@ consumeGoalsParallel onGoal onConj goals = do
task' <- CCA.async (withQSem (onGoal asmps goal))
IORef.modifyIORef' workers (task':)
pure ()
consumeGoalsWithAssumptions onGoal' onConj goals
mapM CCA.wait =<< IORef.readIORef workers
consumeGoalsWithAssumptions onGoal' (>>) goals
go onConj =<< IORef.readIORef workers
go :: (r -> r -> IO r) -> [CCA.Async r] -> IO r
go combine tasks =
partitionPoll tasks >>=
([], []) -> error "Impossible"
([], rest) -> delay >> go combine rest
((r:rs), rest) -> do
accum <- foldM combine r rs
foldMReady combine accum rest

-- Pause for 0.1 s = 1 * 10^5 microsecs
delay = do
let pointOneSecond = 100000
CC.threadDelay pointOneSecond

-- Like foldl', but processes the inputs whenever they're ready, rather than
-- in the order in which they're supplied in the list. Polls repeatedly, but
-- with a delay.
foldMReady :: (b -> a -> IO b) -> b -> [CCA.Async a] -> IO b
foldMReady f accum as = do
(ready, rest) <- partitionPoll as
result <- foldM f accum ready
if null rest
then pure result
else do
foldMReady f result rest

-- Partition a list of tasks into those that are ready (in which case,
-- extract their results), and those that are still in progress.
partitionPoll :: [CCA.Async r] -> IO ([r], [CCA.Async r])
partitionPoll [] = pure ([], [])
partitionPoll (x:xs) = do
(ready, waiting) <- partitionPoll xs
CCA.poll x >>=
Just (Left exn) -> X.throwIO exn
Just (Right r) -> pure (r:ready, waiting)
Nothing -> pure (ready, x:waiting)

-- * Strategy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,17 +503,56 @@ proveCurrentObligations bak strat k = do
proveObligations strat obligations k

-- * Parallelism
-- * Proving goals in parallel

-- | Prove a collection of 'CB.Goals' using the specified offline
-- 'ProofStrategy'.
-- TODO: details!
proveGoalsInParallel ::
Semigroup r =>
-- | Strategy with offline prover (e.g., 'offlineProver')
ProofStrategy sym IO t r ->
ProofConsumer sym t r ->
CB.Goals (CB.Assumptions sym) (CB.Assertion sym) ->
IO [r]
proveGoalsInParallel strat k goals =
map subgoalResult <$>
ProofConsumer sym t r ->
IO r
proveGoalsInParallel strat goals k =
subgoalResult <$>
(\asmps gl -> proverProve (stratProver strat) asmps gl k)
(\r1 r2 -> getCombiner (stratCombine strat) (pure r1) (pure r2))

-- | Prove a collection of 'CB.ProofObligations' in parallel using an offline
-- 'ProofStrategy'.
-- For more details, see 'proveGoalsInParallel'.
proveObligationsInParallel ::
Monoid r =>
-- | Strategy with offline prover (e.g., 'offlineProver')
ProofStrategy sym IO t r ->
CB.ProofObligations sym ->
ProofConsumer sym t r ->
IO r
proveObligationsInParallel strat obligations k =
case obligations of
Nothing -> pure mempty
Just goals -> proveGoalsInParallel strat goals k

-- | Prove a the current collection of 'CB.ProofObligations' associated with the
-- symbolic backend (retrieved via 'CB.getProofObligations') in parallel using
-- an offline 'ProofStrategy'.
-- For more details, see 'proveGoalsInParallel'.
proveCurrentObligationsInParallel ::
Monoid r =>
(sym ~ WE.ExprBuilder t st fs) =>
CB.IsSymBackend sym bak =>
bak ->
-- | Strategy with offline prover (e.g., 'offlineProver')
ProofStrategy sym IO t r ->
ProofConsumer sym t r ->
IO r
proveCurrentObligationsInParallel bak strat k = do
obligations <- liftIO (CB.getProofObligations bak)
proveObligationsInParallel strat obligations k

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