Research into a possible language for querying FHIR servers
Combine the strenght of existing languages to fill the gap of missing features, while trying not to reinvent the wheel. This idea serves to provide an alternative to GraphQL which is another good candidate to solve this problem.
- Stay as close as possible to existing standard SQL.
- Use Json to create tree structures (DocumentDB language is a nice example)
- Use FhirPath for projection (select)
- Use existing FHIR search parameters for filtering (where)
In terms of input format, this query still adheres to regular SQL
select name, birthDate from Patient where id = 4
Fhir path statements return either a scalar or a collection of substructures of a resource. They can be used to build custom XML and JSON structures, but do not necessarily flatten the output hierarchy.
FHIR search parameters themselves flatten the hierarchy of their corresponding resource, and are a natural fit for filtering.
select * from Patient where email = '[email protected]'