has been accepted into the Odin programming language core
library collection!
The package was upgraded with all of the latest UUID versions and now features a more complete API.
Check it out under core:encoding/uuid
This package implements Universally Unique Identifiers according to the standard outlined in RFC 4122.
Generation of versions 1 and 2 (the MAC address-based versions) are not yet implemented.
// Generation
id4 := uuid.generate_v4()
id5 := uuid.generate_v5(uuid.Namespace_URL, "odin-lang.org")
// Conversion
id4_str := uuid.to_string(id4)
// Reading
id_from_str, error := uuid.read("00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000")
// Writing
stdout := os.stream_from_handle(os.stdout)
uuid.write(stdout, id5)