Component | Version/Name |
Distro | NixOS |
Kernel | CachyOS |
Shell | Zsh |
Display Server | Wayland |
WM (Compositor) | Hyprland/Gnome |
Bar | Waybar |
Notification | Dunst |
Launcher | Rofi-Wayland |
Editor | VSCode |
Terminal | Kitty |
Fetch Utility | Fastfetch |
Theme | Catppuccin Mocha |
Icons | Papirus Dark |
Font | Hack Nerd & FiraCode Nerd |
Player | Spotify |
File Browser | Nautilus |
Internet Browser | Google Chrome |
Image Editor | Gimp |
Screenshot | Grim + Slurp |
Recorder | OBS |
Clipboard | wl-clipboard + Cliphist + wl-clip-persist |
Wallpaper | swww |
Graphical Boot | Plymouth + Catppuccin-plymouth |
Display Manager | SDDM |
🔄 Reproducible: Built on NixOS, this configuration can be reproduced on other machines.
🖌️ Consistent: Nearly every component has been styled to adhere to the Catppuccin Mocha theme.
Key Combination | Action |
SUPR + Q | Close window |
SUPR + M | Logout |
SUPR + F | Toggle floating |
SUPR + V | Clipboard |
SUPR + Shift + F | Toggle fullscreen |
SUPR + Shift + S | Screenshot |
SUPR + C | Open calculator |
SUPR + E | Open file Manager |
SUPR + B | Open browser |
SUPR + R | Open launcher |
SUPR + Space | Open terminal |
SUPR + Arrows | Change window focus |
SUPR + Shift + Arrows | Move window |
SUPR + 1-5 | Switch workspace 1st montior |
SUPR + Shift + 1-5 | Switch workspace 2nd montior |
SUPR + Ctrl + L or R | Switch to relative workspace |
SUPR + Ctrl + Alt + L or R | Move Window to relative workspace |
SUPR + X | Special workspace |
SUPR + Shift + X | Move window to special workspace |
Also can hold Supr to be able to drag and resize with mouse.
Common commands:
: install better discorddayz-launch
: launchdayz-launcher
on .scripts
NixOS-specific commands:
: rebuild and switch your system using current flakenix-switch-update
: rebuild, switch and update your system using current flakenix-clean
: clean system with default configuration (keep 3 generations)