Releases: FC4E-CAT/fc4e-cat-ui
Releases · FC4E-CAT/fc4e-cat-ui
Version 1.3.1
Version 1.3.0
- CAT-427 Support multiple assessment types (#217)
- CAT-433 - Create an admin list view of all available assessments (#219)
- [CAT-433] - Create an admin list view of all available assessments (#221)
- [CAT-434] - Filter the assessments by email, name, assessment ID (#222)
- [CAT-435] - Add a button to export and download assessments (#223)
- [CAT-445] - Implement View for User Details (#225)
- CAT-447 Add shared with me label to assessments (#231)
- CAT-463 Support evidence urls with descriptions (#289)
- CAT-446 Support assessment sharing (#290)
- CAT-466 Support Assessment Comments (#291)
- CAT-383 Reason for rejection of a validation (#308)
- CAT-471 Emphasize shared assessments in assessments list (#309)
- CAT-489 Show shared badge in assessments list (#323)
- remove admin edit user button (#227)
- Display surname in admin -> users -> view user details (#228)
- Add user's surname to the user table (#229)
- CAT-392 Open evidence url in new tab (#230)
- Update Profile.tsx (#232)
- Add column to profile (#233)
- Revert "Update Profile.tsx" (#234)
- saw only few characters in id (#235)
- Update view user (#236)
- print fields (#237)
- update view user (#238)
- revert user details (#239)
- update user profile (#240)
- update user view (#241)
- update profile (#242)
- uodate user dashboard (#243)
- update user dashboard (#244)
- New content container (#245)
- update lint error in css (#246)
- Profile: Added copy id under name. (#247)
- Profile: added missing imports (#248)
- Profile: added missing dependencies + prettier (#249)
- Profile: errors in parameters used (#250)
- Profile: Minor changes (#251)
- Profile : Update fields on profile card (#252)
- added rounded corners to container (#253)
- App: Rounded corners (#254)
- Profile: Removed rounded corners now that they are added to App.tsx (#255)
- Profile; Apply responsiveness (#256)
- ListValidations: Added new header bar (#257)
- Profile: Add row with title (#259)
- Profile: Update spacing in the list of actions (#260)
- Admin-Users: Add heading and leading row. Updated lead . (#261)
- Admin-Users : Create correct divs (#262)
- Profile, Admin Users, Vaiidations add class to row (#263)
- Admin Pages: Add title row, (#265)
- AdminUsersList: Add search block (#266)
- AdminUsers: Update search box style (#267)
- AdminUsers: Space @bottom Paging on top (#268)
- AdminUser: Remove undefined data (#269)
- CAT-451 Convert navigation menu to one line (#270)
- CAT-451 Nav menu in single line (#271)
- Fix nav menu styling - remove border bottom (#272)
- [CAT-453]: add common header to all pages (#274)
- CAT-454 Fix admin routing (#277)
- [CAT-462]: Add common search to all admin pages (#287)
- [CAT-468]: Remove col-6 from header and added style cat-heading-right… (#292)
- CAT-470: Update Validation request management page (#294)
- CAT-457: User Subjects should follow the same table approach as admin (#304)
- CAT-487: Update Assessment menu (#310)
- CAT-488 Update user avatars in profile and validation details pages (#322)
- CAT-455: User Validation Requests table (#324)
- CAT-371:[UI] - Admin - View User (#326)
- CAT-436 Fix Assessment Eligibility List (#218)
- Fix AsmtEligibilityResponse import in service users (#226)
- App.css: Lint Error with no line (#264)
- CAT-365 Redirect when non-admin users try to access admin paths (#273)
- CAT-469 Fix admin view users link and admin route checks (#293)
- CAT-467 Fix user details in comments (#301)
- CAT-461 Fix view actor in shared assessment issue (#305)
Version 1.2.3
Version 1.2.1
Version 1.2.0
Version 1.1.0
- Cypress spec /assess and /assessment page (#152)
- Add about page (#164)
- CAT-333 ban/unban users (#169)
- CAT-176 Support import of external assessment (#175)
- CAT-329 Simplify navigation menu (#155)
- CAT-335 Update styling in create assessment wizard (#156)
- CAT-335 Further update assessment form sidebar (#157)
- CAT-335 Further improve assessment test styling (#158)
- CAT-335 Remove top white space from test questions (#159)
- CAT-335 Update stylization of test progress (#160)
- CAT-301 Improve notifications and error messages on request validatio… (#166)
- Update follow-redirects dep (#167)
- CAT-302 Improve error notifications in assessment create form (#168)
- CAT-338 Update display of ror id in validation details (#173)
- CAT-348 Update guidance styling (#178)
- CAT-343 redesign admin users view (#180)
- CAT-344 redesign admin view validations (#181)
- CAT-344 Add all pid actor types in admin validation filter element (#183)
- CAT-323 Fix approve/reject admin validation paths (#153)
- CAT-328 Assessment creation: fix issue with valid actor duplicates (#154)
- CAT-294 Fix: assessment form resets on refocus (#162)
- CAT-336 Fix error while reloading the edit assessment page (#163)
- CAT-254 Fix about page style image marker (#165)
- CAT-333 Fix ban/unban methods. Add email info on user table. Fix noti… (#170)
- CAT-337 Fix keycloack token refresh (#171)
- CAT-352 fix export and import issues (#176)
- CAT-352 Minor fix in import assessment help text (#179)
- CAT-344 Fix button layout in admin validations and admin user views (#182)
- CAT-344 Fix validation actor filter service provider value (#184)
Version 1.0.2
- CAT-319 Update UI validation to support custom organisation source (#144)
Version 1.0.1
- CAT-310 Fix validation details requests for admin and non-admin views
Version 1.0.0
- CAT-129 Create a custom card component for actors (#66)
- Enable assessments for more actors (#67)
- Set timestamp field on assessments (#69)
- CAT-126 Assessment steps (#71)
- CAT-192 CAT-193 CAT-194 CAT-195 Display list of public assessments fo… (#82)
- CAT-211 Support List of objects in assessment wizard (#90)
- CAT-222 Introduce api filters on assessment table (#97)
- CAT-223 Introduce notification toasts on validations (#98)
- Required assess metadata (#104)
- CAT-230 Save/Submit functionality in assessment (#105)
- CAT-226 Implement delete assessment (#108)
- Support filtering on public assessments (#109)
- Added Cypress to fc4e-cat-ui (#112)
- CAT-237 Export assessment (#115)
- CAT-239 Add descriptions to input types (#116)
- CAT-265 CAT-266 Create object. List objects (#123)
- CAT-256 Fix: Add profile link (#124)
- CAT-267 Edit/Delete subjects (#128)
- CAT-177 Minimize waiting time before redirecting (#61)
- CAT-161 Revisit routing and keycloak login component (#62)
- Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1 (#63)
- Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 (#64)
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (#65)
- CAT-170 migrate to vite (#72)
- CAT-149 Use ts alias for cleaner imports (#75)
- CAT-199 Allow to save the assessment at any time (#76)
- CAT-201 Add prettier (#78)
- CAT-193 CAT-197 CAT-198 Update assessment view (#79)
- CAT-202 Add stylelint (#80)
- Refactor assessment creation view (#81)
- CAT-208 update ui with new backend paths for public assessments and a… (#88)
- CAT-212 Public assessment table fields (#89)
- CAT-140 Update fields in user's assessment view table (#91)
- Allow Service Provider actor in the assessment creation (#92)
- CAT-216 Organise admin views (#95)
- CAT-219 Update api path in users list backend call (#96)
- CAT-224 Update validations approve/reject routes (#99)
- CAT-225 Restrict test value input boxes to numbers (#100)
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.5 to 7.23.2 (#101)
- Redesign assessment filters (#102)
- Add various UI/UX refinements (#106)
- CAT-234 Rearrange create validation request form (#107)
- CAT-249 Assessment edit: change cancel button to close (#111)
- CAT-248 Revisit pagination (#113)
- Bump axios from 1.4.0 to 1.6.0 (#114)
- CAT-257 update axios, postcss and babel/traverse deps (#118)
- CAT-258 Format exported JSON (#119)
- Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.2.0 to 4.3.2 (#122)
- CAT-256 Fix: Change order of buttons in create modal (#125)
- Refactor objects view to subjects (#126)
- CAT-283 Refactor handling of table headers (#127)
- CAT-272 Update subject list in step2 of assessment creation (#130)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 (#131)
- Fix bug with assessment id on edit (#68)
- CAT-184 Fix typos on validation view page (#73)
- CAT-187 Add linting and corresponding fixes (#74)
- CAT-200 Fix assessment update regression due to changes in assessment id (#77)
- CAT-203 Assess and Assessment Wizard reorganisation and cleanup (#83)
- CAT-204 Fix interaction issue in criteria tabs (#84)
- CAT-205 Fix assessment edit bug (#85)
- CAT-206 Fix public assessment table columns. Fix create new button (#86)
- CAT-207 Fix select first criterion tab as active in assessment wizard (#87)
- Fix hint on table filters (#93)
- Fix link on create new assessment button (#94)
- Fix multiple calls on keycloak init (#103)
- CAT-236 Fix double headers in tables (#110)
- CAT-233 Fix input field reset on assessment create view (#117)
- CAT-259 Fix compliance badge in assessment list (#120)
- CAT-260 Elaborate on faulty actor changes in the assessment (#121)
- CAT-271 Fix Filters in assessment list views (#129)
Version 0.2.0
- CAT-62 CAT-73 Add Alert messages and Validation enumeration #34
- CAT-93 Create foundation for Assessment UI View #35
- CAT-83 CAT-107 Introduce filtering on table columns #37
- CAT-98 Display assessment header information #39
- CAT-99 Implement Binary Test Component #40
- CAT-150 Add subject and published fields in Assessment Info header #46
- CAT-101 Display dynamically principles, criteria and metrics in the assessment form #49
- CAT-138 Add ORCID to user data #51
- CAT-155 Add dynamic evaluation of assessment and provide statistics #52
- CAT-103 Add functionality to store/update an assessment. #53
- CAT-164 Support new type of test: TestValue. Support template for actor: Pid Authority #57
- CAT-115 reorganise ts type declarations in ui #36
- CAT-152 update assessment actor/assessment_type field schemas to use both ids and names #47
- CAT-153 Update labels information and grouping of fields on assesment #48
- CAT-162 Update assessment fields to snake_case #56