Nearest Neighbor Search
Author: Greg Gutmann
Designed as an introduction to one implementation of a nearest neighbor search. Coded in a C/C++ style. It was created as a teaching tool for my work at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Simplicity was preferred over performance in this code.
hash // Function that takes particle locations and ouputs the cell ID that they are in
kvSort // Function that uses C++'s std::sort, can be replaced with any key value sort
findCellStartEnd // Function to find the start and stop particle indexies for each cell
reorder // Function to reorder the primary data structures that are used
countNeighbors // Function that uses the results of the NNS to do the users work
cd NNS_Demo_Gutrmann
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Download CMake GUI
Source directory is NNS_Demo_Gutrmann
Build direcotory is NNS_Demo_Gutrmann/build
<it will ask you if it should make the build folder if it doesn't exist>
Click Configure
Click Generate
Go into build folder and click Visual Studio project file