Install and configure git
sudo apt-get install git git config --global user.name GITHUB_USERNAME git config --global user.email GITHUB_EMAIL
Install ROS 2
Add ROS to bash
nano ~/.bashrc
At the bottom add
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
Restart the command line window to apply the .bashrc
Install Colcon and Ninja for building
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions sudo apt-get install ninja-build
Install rosdep for dependency management
sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep sudo rosdep init sudo rosdep update
Create a ros2 workspace at home and go to its src folder
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src cd ~/ros2_ws/src
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Esteb37/dextrous_hand
Resolve dependencies
cd .. rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
Build from within
colcon build --packages-select dextrous_hand
Test node
ros2 run dextrous_hand basic_node
[INFO] [1728219147.878266379] [basic_node]: Hello, ROS 2 (Python)!
Add pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
Add Motor library
cd git clone https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK.git cd DynamixelSDK/python sudo python3 setup.py install
Add teleop control library
pip install pynput
to yourros2_ws
workspace -
colcon build
Connect the motor controller
Give access to the port
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
orsudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB1
Run hand node
ros2 run dextrous_hand hand_node
Make sure all motors show as connected -
In another window run teleop node
ros2 run dextrous_hand teleop_node
Control the motors with the keyboard
Select predefined configuration
z = Home x = Grasp c = Rock v = Middle finger b = Peace sign n = Thumbs up m = Spock salute
Select the subsystem
q = pinky w = ring e = middle r = index t = thumb y = wrist u = all fingers (no wrist) o = orientation p = position
Select the joint
1 = ABD | wrist | position X | orientation roll 2 = MCP | position Y | orientation pitch 3 = PIP/DIP | position Z | orientation yaw
Control the joint
l = add to angle k = substract from angle
- Set all the fingers and wrist to the desired zero position
- Run
- If motor direction also needs to be calibrated
- Select
when prompted - Flex all the finger joints towards the inside of the palm and the wrist forward.
- Press
- Select
- Add the .py file at /src
- In setup.py
entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'basic_node = src.basic_node:main', 'your_node = src.your_node:main', <-- Add node here ], },
- Just add the .py file at /dextrous_hand
When importing, do not forget to append
import dextrous_hand.my_module as my_module
- /src - Python node files
- /dextrous_hand - Python module files
- /launch - ROS Launch files
- /test - Any code that does not correspond to a node (i.e. test code and experiments)
- /data - Images, text-files, ML models etc
- Open your bashrc and add
alias colcon_build='colcon build --symlink-install'
- source bashrc
- Now you can build once with colcon_build.
- Build everytime you add a new file.
- No need to rebuild for every change made in a Python file.
- Need to rebuild for every change made in a C++ file.
- If you have the setup tools error, do the following in a new terminal:
pip list | grep setuptools
- You should see that your setuptools version is > 58.2.0
- Downgrade the version :
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools==58.2.0
pip list | grep setuptools
to check if downgrade successfull- You should not have this error again