This project utilizes ROS 1 to implement autonomous navigation of a simulated robot called PuzzleBot in a Gazebo environment. The use instructions included demonstrates the process of creating the ROS package, setting up the simulation launch in Gazebo, and configuring RVIZ for visualizing both mapping and navigation of the robot.
- A01703068 | Esteban Padilla Cerdio
- A01704254 | Karen Cebreros López
- A01706095 | Naomi Estefania Nieto Vega
- A01751706 | Aranza Leal Aguirre
In order to run this code, please follow the next instructions:
- Clone the repository in a shell window.
git clone
- Compile the ros package with
- Run the launch file you would like to see, for example:
roslaunch aranchubots_autonomousnavigation_puzzlebot first_launch_file.launch
Note: The project is under continuous development. Minimal instructions have been included to meet the initial requirements. More files and functionalities will be added to the repository as the project progresses.