Homepage: together-platform.org The GitHub Code Reposity contains just a backup branch of releases from https://git.elmar-dott.com. This repository includes all necessary files to build and compile artifacts of the project together platform (TP).
The build-workflow is the parent-pom and the libraries module is a reactor to prepare all neccesary global dependencies (BOM) for the TP project.
- Java 17 SE adopt openJDK
- Jakarta EE 10
- Maven 3.9.x
- Docker.io (Testcontainers)
- NetBeans IDE (recommended) / JetBrains IntelliJ / Eclipse
All released Artifacts will be available on Maven Central for usage.
Maven PARENT POM: build workflow
For using the bundles in your project you can place the following configuration in your POM. If you already use the the build-workflow as your parent POM then you don't need to insert the section.
- Elmar Dott - Concept, Architecture, Development
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Feel free open a pull request or to send a feature request by e-mail in the case you want to contribute the project. Everyone is welcome, even beginners in programming. I also appreciate help by optimizing the documentation and creating tutorials.
Mistakes happen. But we only able to fix them, when we you inform us you found a bug. Do not hesitate to send a report in the way you feel common. I try to give as much as possible fast & direct support.
In the case you like this project, let me know it and rate it with a star.
Version | Comment |
1.5.0 | published: 01/2004 |
Libraries: 1.4.0 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Spring 6.1.2 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Hibernate 6.4.1 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE JavaEE 10.0.0 | |
- migrate to Jakarta 10 EE | |
- migrate to Java 17 SE | |
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1.4.1 | published: 10/2023: (TP-CORE 3.00) |
Libraries: 1.3.3 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Spring 5.3.30 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Hibernate 5.6.15 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE JavaEE 8.0 | |
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1.4 | published: 10/2022: (TP-CORE 3.00) |
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1.3 | published: 11/2021 (TP-CORE-2.2.0) |
- update dependencies | |
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1.2 | published: 11/2019 (TP-CORE-2.1.0) |
- update dependencies | |
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1.1.1 | published: 11/2019 (TP-CORE-2.0.0) |
- migrate from java 8 to java 11 | |
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1.1.0 | published: 5/2019 Maven Central (TP-CORE-1.2.0) |
- change license to Apache 2.0 | |
- extend bundle-jarkarta (JEE 7.0) | |
- extend bundle-spring-security | |
- update dependencies | |
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1.0.8 | published: 10/2018 Maven Central (TP-CORE-1.1.0) |
- update dependency Versions | |
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1.0.7 | published: 04/2018 Maven Central (TP-CORE-1.0.2) |
Libraries: 1.0 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Spring 5.0.2 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Hibernate 4.3.11 | |
- dependencies: TP-BUNDLE Logback 1.2.3 | |
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