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Coding Standards

Jussi Laasonen edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

eBL Coding Standards


  • Write clean code. Use linters and analysers to find code smells.
  • Use up to date technologies. E.g. Python 3 instead of Python 2.
  • Use a deterministic package manager. E.g. yarn, poetry, or pipenv.
  • Write tests for your code. Test Driven Development is recommended but not mandatory. There is no hard requirement for code coverage but it should improve over time.
  • Prefer a single branch workflow. If branches are needed use GitHub Flow.
  • Implement a proper domain model. Avoid passing data around in dictionaries.
  • Prefer immutable value objects. attrs and Immer make the task easier.
  • Update this documentation if an issue which is not covered arises.
  • When contributing to projects outside eBL adhere to their standards.




  • Try to use semantic HTML.
  • Use BEM naming convention.