Classes with unified methods to interact with LabJacks U3, U6 and T7.
labjack-unified is implemented upon LabJackPython and labjack-ljm-python and provides classes to interact with any of the LabJack devices listed above, through a set of methods that are device-independent. labjack-unified was developed for the MS Windows platform.
Three classes are available (LabJackU3, LabJackU6, and LabJackT7) which have the common methods listed below. These should cover the majority of LabJack applications. There are also device specific methods as well.
Method | Description |
close | Closes the LabJack device |
display_info | Displays summary info about the device |
set_digital | Writes digital value to specified port(s) |
get_digital | Reads digital value from specified port(s) |
set_analog | Writes analog value to specified port(s) |
get_analog | Reads analog value from specified port(s) |
get_labjacktemp | Gets ambient temperature from internal sensor |
set_stream | Sets LabJack configuration for data streaming |
get_stream | Gets streaming data |
stop_stream | Stops data streaming |
set_PWM | Sets LabJack configuration for PWM output |
set_dutycycle | Sets duty cycle of PWM output (-100 to 100) |
set_quadrature | Sets LabJack configuration for encoder A-B-Z input |
get_counter | Gets edge count from encoder A-B signals |
reset_counter | Resets edge counter |
py -m pip install labjack-unified
Installing labjack-unified will install its dependencies: LabJackPython and labjack-ljm. Plotly will also be installed so graphs can be displayed when running the examples.
Comprehensive documentation for labjack-unified is available here.
Nine examples are available in the documentation, with four of them requiring only a pair of wires to be executed successfully. Below is the code for
Uses analog input and output channels.
This example shows how to use analog inputs and outputs in a data acquisition
loop. Accurate time execution of output events can be achieved by the use of a
timer logic in the loop. The voltage measurements are executed as fast as
possible. The main latency source is the LabJack I/O times.
Connect DAC0 to AIN0
Connect DAC1 to AIN1
The LabJack unified methods in this example are:
set_analog ....... Writes analog value to specified port(s)
get_analog ....... Reads analog value from specified port(s)
close ............ Closes the LabJack device
import time
import numpy as np
from labjack_unified.utils import plot_line
from labjack_unified.devices import LabJackU3, LabJackU6, LabJackT7
# To use a LabJack U6 or a T7, change the device name
# from LabJackU3 below to either LabJackU6 or LabJackT7
lj = LabJackU3()
# Assigning parameters
tstep = 0.5 # Interval between step changes (s)
t = [] # Output time array
v1 = [] # Output sampled voltage 1 array
v2 = [] # Output sampled voltage 2 array
# Initializing timers and starting main clock
tprev = 0
tcurr = 0
tstart = time.perf_counter()
# Executing acquisition loop
print('Running code for 5 seconds ...')
while tcurr <= 5:
# Updating analog output every `tstep` seconds
# with random voltages between 0 and 5 V
if (np.floor(tcurr/tstep) - np.floor(tprev/tstep)) == 1:
lj.set_analog('DAC0', 5*np.random.rand())
lj.set_analog('DAC1', 5*np.random.rand())
# Updating previous time and getting current time (s)
tprev = tcurr
tcurr = time.perf_counter() - tstart
# Acquiring analog data as fast as possible
# and appending values to output arrays
# Closing the device
del lj
# Plotting results
plot_line([t]*2, [v1, v2], yname=['AIN0', 'AIN1'], axes='multi', marker=True)
plot_line([t[1::]], [np.diff(t)], yname=['Sampling Period (s)'])