- [] add a function to bsm-map4.js to pull data from camps.csv file
- [] canvas animation
- Normalize the database -> update json object schema, json-schema.json
- [] fix navbar in header to display properly in narrow viewports
- add shell script to server for deployment
- [] fill "gaps" in conversion scripts
- [] add try-catch block for conversion scripts
- add trim() to all fields in conversion scripts
- 4
- [] 5
- [] 6
- [] 13
- [] 8
##Questions for Dr. Hudson
- [] ask about camp description/additional details
- [] ask about "Where unit served" fields in units spreadsheet
- [] slide 4 training camps, where is the data
- [] slide 5 - type of map (heat, pins, cluster)
- [] slide 5,6 - soldier categories?
- [] slide 12, 15 - unit categories?
- [] slide 13 map?
- [] slide 14, 17 - explain diagram
- fixed the text not showing up in bsm-4 map.
- updated bsm.css for tooltip
- cleaned the (older)camps.csv file a bit
- added Normalization suggestion comments to the Database Schema first draft
- uploaded tab-to-json conversion scripts for Units and Camps [untested]
###Started on Slide 8
- integrating stuff into new layout
- slide 4 - order pies
- slide 4 - add soldiers proportion
- slide 4 - A section training camps - proportions of soldiers
- slide 5 - blank service date=domestic
- slide 5 - combat units: service date + unit
- slide 5 - officers acronym
##Coordinates to Fix
- Camp Jackson, SC