A script that substitutes macros in template files.
Gets substitutes and template files and uses them to generate files (primarily kinematics). Default location of template files: configure/coord_templates.
The generated files are put in destination_folder which defaults to configure/coord_substitution.
Naming convention for generated kinematics:
and for other files:
Source | https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/ppmac-macro-substitution |
PyPI | pip install ppmac-macro-substitution |
Releases | https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/ppmac-macro-substitution/releases |
To print the version of the script you can do:
from ppmac_macro_substitution import __version__
print(f"Hello ppmac_macro_substitution {__version__}")
An example substitution file for 3 jack kinematic template:
from ppmac_macro_substitution import generate
substitutes = {}
substitutes["$(COORD)"] = "4"
substitutes["$(J1)"] = "1"
substitutes["$(J1X)"] = "20"
substitutes["$(J1Z)"] = "10"
substitutes["$(J2)"] = "2"
substitutes["$(J2X)"] = "12"
substitutes["$(J2Z)"] = "13"
substitutes["$(J3)"] = "3"
substitutes["$(J3X)"] = "15"
substitutes["$(J3Z)"] = "16"
substitutes["$(MD)"] = "10"
substitutes["$(MCX)"] = "100"
substitutes["$(MCZ)"] = "2"
kinematic_template_files = ["inv_3jack.kin", "fwd_3jack.kin"]
In order to generate the kinematics using default template folder and the default destination folder run the script in the folder above the configure folder.