This is core java project.Managing thousands of student data and their fee is quite dificult for a school management so this project help to manage student as well as teachers and employee data also.Performing many CURD operation in this project. This project help alot for School admin ..
Note If you are a noob in programming world than must see project source code to inspire yourself because now a day i have experience of Solid Design Pattern and i usually break the code into small pieces and always try to write maximum 4-5 lines of code in a function but in the starting of my programming carrer i had developed this project which contains around 5000+ lines of code without using functions except main function (Pffff).
This project is created by Rahul Choudhary.
- Adding Student, Employee and Teacher or update theire records and Delete thier record also.
- You can see the data in a single table format
- UI is amazing so you can easily familiare with the software easily
- Your data is Stored in Database
- You can assign fee and update fee of every student with thier unique ID
- Software not consuming high space
First Install netbeans and mysql (ENTER MYSQL PASSWORD:-root) on your computer
After installing mysql Open it
Enter the command given below in Mysql
create database tables:
create table of Student, empoyee, Teacher ,Teacher salary , Employee Salary , Fees and their attributs as you can see in the project Screenshot PPT.
Open NetBeans
goto Service and connect School Management database.
then open project Simple
Run and Enjoy
Operating System :-Platform Independent(win,linux,mac etc)
Software required :-Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Library :-mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar