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Defm edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Adding your own CA to iPhones's trusted CA

  • Pick your selfsigned CA Certificate (.crt/.cer) and e-mail (push via Airdrop) it to Iphone
  • Open the email and click on the file attached - this will loads certificate to local iphone storage
  • Install the Certificate by going (iOS 12.3.1) "Settings"-"Profile loaded" and hit "Install"
  • Make it trusted by going "Settings"-"General"-"About"-"Cert. trust settings", find and check your CA

Now any other certificated issued by your CA will be trusted (including code signing certificate that used below). Profiles, signed with such trusted code signing certificate will get Verified mark

iPhone as roadwarrior IPSEC IKEv2 + Certificates VPN

  • form your OSX/iOS *.mobileconfig VPN-ondemand IKEv2 profile using Apple Configurator 2
    • dont forget to include the CA, sign and client Certificates 1, that will authorize iPhone on VPN server
  • sign it using Hancock tool
    • you should put the CA and sign Cert to youre Keychain before (sign Cert should have private key installed) 1

1 you can generate code signing certificate with doCertificatesIssuing