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Revert "[AMLII-2183] Logs From Integrations Rotation E2E Test and Yam… (
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chouquette authored and louis-cqrl committed Dec 25, 2024
1 parent d5f49d2 commit df69240
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from datadog_checks.base import AgentCheck
from datadog_checks.base.utils.time import get_timestamp

class HelloCheck(AgentCheck):
def check(self, instance):
data = {}
data['timestamp'] = get_timestamp()
data['message'] = "Custom log message"
data['ddtags'] = "env:dev,bar:foo"

for _ in range(10):
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- min_collection_interval: 1000

- type: integration
source: ten_logs_source
service: ten_logs_service
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,147 +7,41 @@ package integrationslogs

import (
_ "embed"


awshost ""

type IntegrationsLogsSuite struct {

//go:embed fixtures/
var customIntegration string

type Config struct {
InitConfig interface{} `yaml:"init_config"`
Instances []Instance `yaml:"instances"`
Logs []LogsConfig `yaml:"logs"`
//go:embed fixtures/
var writeTenLogsCheck string

type Instance struct {
LogMessage string `yaml:"log_message"`
UniqueMessage bool `yaml:"unique_message"`
LogSize int `yaml:"log_size"`
LogCount int `yaml:"log_count"`
IntegrationTags string `yaml:"integration_tags"`

type LogsConfig struct {
Type string `yaml:"type"`
Source string `yaml:"source"`
Service string `yaml:"service"`
//go:embed fixtures/tenLogs.yaml
var writeTenLogsConfig string

// TestLinuxFakeIntakeSuite
func TestIntegrationsLogsSuite(t *testing.T) {
suiteParams := []e2e.SuiteOption{
agentparams.WithAgentConfig("logs_config.integrations_logs_files_max_size: 1"))))}

suiteParams = append(suiteParams, e2e.WithDevMode())
// set the integration log file max size to 1MB
agentparams.WithAgentConfig("logs_config.integrations_logs_files_max_size: 1"),
agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/", writeTenLogsCheck, true),
agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/writeTenLogs.yaml", writeTenLogsConfig, true))))}

e2e.Run(t, &IntegrationsLogsSuite{}, suiteParams...)

// TestWriteTenLogsCheck ensures a check that logs are written to the file ten
// logs at a time
func (v *IntegrationsLogsSuite) TestWriteTenLogsCheck() {
tags := []string{"foo:bar", "env:dev"}
yamlData, err := generateYaml("Custom log message", false, 1, 10, tags, "logs_from_integrations_source", "logs_from_integrations_service")
assert.NoError(v.T(), err)

agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/writeTenLogs.yaml", string(yamlData), true),
agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/", customIntegration, true))))

logs, err := utils.FetchAndFilterLogs(v.Env().FakeIntake, "logs_from_integrations_service", "Custom log message")
assert.Nil(v.T(), err)
assert.GreaterOrEqual(v.T(), len(logs), 10)

// TestIntegrationLogFileRotation ensures logs are captured after a integration
// log file is rotated
func (v *IntegrationsLogsSuite) TestIntegrationLogFileRotation() {
// Since it's not yet possible to write to the integration log file by calling
// the agent check command, we can test if the file rotation works using the following method:
// 1. Send logs until to the logs from integrations launcher until their
// cumulative size is greater than integration_logs_files_max_size (for logs
// of size 256kb, this will be four logs given the max size of 1mb)
// 2. Put a counter in the logs that increases by 1 every time the check is
// called, then check that each log's counter is 1 more than the previous log

tags := []string{"test:rotate"}
yamlData, err := generateYaml("a", true, 1024*230, 1, tags, "rotation_source", "rotation_service")
assert.NoError(v.T(), err)

agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/rotation.yaml", string(yamlData), true),
agentparams.WithFile("/etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/", customIntegration, true))))

// Check each log is received and is unique
prevLogCount := -1
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
assert.EventuallyWithT(v.T(), func(c *assert.CollectT) {
logs, err := utils.FetchAndFilterLogs(v.Env().FakeIntake, "rotation_service", ".*counter: \\d+.*")
assert.NoError(c, err)

if assert.NotEmpty(c, logs) && len(logs) >= i+1 {
log := logs[i]
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`counter: (\d+)`)
matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(log.Message)
assert.Greater(c, len(matches), 1, "Did not find count in log")

number := matches[1]
count, err := strconv.Atoi(number)
assert.Nil(c, err)

if prevLogCount != -1 {
assert.Equal(c, prevLogCount+1, count)

prevLogCount = count
}, 2*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)

// generateYaml Generates a YAML config for checks to use
func generateYaml(logMessage string, uniqueMessage bool, logSize int, logCount int, integrationTags []string, logSource string, logService string) ([]byte, error) {
// Define the YAML structure
config := Config{
InitConfig: nil,
Instances: []Instance{
LogMessage: logMessage,
UniqueMessage: uniqueMessage,
LogSize: logSize,
LogCount: logCount,
IntegrationTags: strings.Join(integrationTags, ","),
Logs: []LogsConfig{
Type: "integration",
Source: logSource,
Service: logService,

return yaml.Marshal(&config)
utils.CheckLogsExpected(v.T(), v.Env().FakeIntake, "ten_logs_service", "Custom log message", []string{"env:dev", "bar:foo"})

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