Gem for getting access to RDF metadata for the image services
This project requires ruby 1.9.2. It may or may not run on older Ruby version. Please also make sure that gem tool is installed on your system.
Installing project
Please make sure that bundler gem is available on your system. If it’s not, please install it
gem install bundler
Install the required dependencies (bundle command should be available in case of successful
installation of bundler gem :))
bundle install
Verify the installation by running the unit tests
rake spec
Start the services by calling. (rackup is a part of rake gem, that gets installed by bundler)
Please note that sxp is required for sparql gems to operate properly
To launch the application in production please use thin. To install it
gem install thin
After successful installation, thin can be used to launch the services:
thin -C thin-test.yml -R start --debug
For more information about how to use thin use
thin -h