A Cards Against Humanity clone, server and web client. See WebContent/license.html for full details.
Note: This project is only known to work with Tomcat 7, all other versions are unsupported.
Currently, the only way to build PYX is using Maven via mvn clean package war:war
in the project's directory.
If you're doing mvn clean package war:exploded jetty:run
, you now need to add -Dmaven.buildNumber.doCheck=false -Dmaven.buildNumber.doUpdate=false
to make the buildnumber plugin allow you to run with uncommited changes.
For GeoIP functions to work, download http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz somewhere, gunzip it, and update the geoip.db value in build.properties to point to it.