CosmoLike installation (on JPL HPC, similar and easier for your laptop since you have root rights):
install fftw3 a) goto b) download v3.3.4, unpack tar file, copy directory to zodiac into your home directory c) goto directory , configure --prefix=/home/YOURUSRNAME --with-pic , make, make install
install gsl 2.1 a) goto b) download, unpack tar file, copy directory to zodiac into your home directory c) goto directory, configure --prefix=/home/YOURUSRNAME , make, make install
install anaconda
add home/teifler/anaconda2/bin to bash or csh (bash is done automatically) for csh add setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/YOURUSRNAME/lib
install yaml: type "conda install -c anaconda yaml"
install numpy: type "conda install -c anaconda numpy"
install scipy: type "conda install -c anaconda scipy"
install emcee: type "conda install -c astropy emcee"