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##### Aug 28, 2018, Tim Eifler, please send comments, critique to [email protected] #########

This readme details the file format of covariances, Fisher matrices, data vectors, and redshift distributions that entered the WL+LSS+CL analysis and it explains how to run the corresponding Fisher forecasts. It also explains how to create the DESC-SRD individual and multi-probe plots for Y1 and Y10, including the SN and SL results (Fig G2 in the DESC-SRD). 

Workflow to compute Fisher matrices, FoMs, and requirements:

This repo contains a lite version of cosmolike which enables you to compute
- contaminated and fiducial data vectors for WL, LSS, CL, 3x2pt, 3x2pt+clusterWL+clusterN
- fisher matrices (cosmology only and cosmology+self-calibratable systematics) 
- DETF figure of merit, 
- Parameter bias calculations to estimate the impact of a contaminated data vector given LSST Y1 or Y10 constraining power (as outlined in Sect C2 of the DESC-SRD v1 document (Eq. 2))

In order to reproduce the DESC-SRD calculations, please:
- clone the repo
- type "make cosmolike"
- type "./"
- type "./"
Please make sure to have a gsl version 1.15 or higher installed and make sure to enable the execution of the ".sh" files via "chmod 755 *sh"

FOR EXPERTS ONLY: In order to change the level of contamination, you will have to edit the c-code, specifically the "compute_data_vector" arguments in the like_fourier.c file (line 825, 826, 827, 840 , 841, 842). The meaning of the arguments can be inferred from line 698, just quickly: Omega_m, sigma_8, n_s, w0, wa, Omega_b, H0, 2x modified gravity, 10x bias parameters, 10x source photo-z mean, 1x source photo-z sigma, 10x lens photo-z mean, 1x lens photo-z sigma, 10x shear calibration, 10x IA, 6x Cluster Mass observable relation. Not all of the are allowed to be changed given the SRD settings, e.g. only the first 5 shear calibration parameters are active. 

"./" creates the data vectors stored in the directory "datav/". "./" computes the Fisher matrices for cosmology only ("Fishers/Fisher_cosmo.txt") and for cosmology+selfcalibratable systematics ("Fishers/Fisher_all.txt"), and the DETF-FoM and requirements stored in "Fishers/FoM.txt".

Note that all of these products are already computed and stored for the exact DESC-SRD settings. Below we describe the data products and how to generate the plot showing the individual and joint constraining power for LSST Y10 and Y1.

A) Create Figure H2 from existing chains
- Download the chains from "" and store in subfolder "like/".
- Ensure that python 2.7, matplotlib, and chainconsumer are installed 
- Type "python"

B) Data vector filename conventions (all data vectors are stored in directory "datav/")
The data vectors are created for the the following probe combinations (indicated in their filename): 
a) shear-shear (shear-shear) 
b) position-position, aka galaxy clustering (pos-pos) 
c) cluster Number Counts + Cluster Weak Lensing (clusterN_clusterWL)
d) 3x2pt (3x2pt)
e) 3x2pt+cluster Number Counts+Cluster Weak Lensing (3x2pt_clusterN_clusterWL)

For each of these probe combination cases we create several Y1 and Y10 data vectors: 
a) fiducial data vector (_fid) 
b) contaminated by shear calibration (_shear_calibration)
c) contaminated by photo-z mean bias (_mean_photo-z)
d) contaminated by photo-z sigma bias (_sigma_photo-z)

Note that for "pos-pos" there is no data vector with contaminating shear calibration uncertainties for obvious reasons.

C) Data vector file format (data vectors are all stored in "datav/")
The data vector is ordered as follows (for given subsets, please exclude the probes not considered from the ordering):
- shear-shear: 
	* the tomographic bin combinations are ordered as z11, z12, z13,..., z15, z22, z23,...z55)
	* each tomographic bin consists of 20 l-values ranging from 20-15000, with l-values >3000 being set to zero
	* the exact theta values can be found in "ell-values"
- galaxy-galaxy lensing: 
	*the lens-source bin combinations are only included in the data vector if the lens bin is at lower redshift than the sources (we allow for the lens bin to overlap at 10%). Given the different redshift distributions of Y1 and Y10 and the fact that Y1 and Y10 have different numbers of lens bins (10 for Y10 and 5 for Y1). The accepted lens-source pairs differ. The exact lens-source combinations that are accepted can be found in "gglensing_zbin_Y10" and "gglensing_zbin_Y1"
	* ell values correspond to the shear-shear case, but with the LSS cut of excluding ell-bins for which k>0.3
- galaxy clustering (pos-pos): 
	* only auto-bins are considered; the tomographic bin combinations are ordered as z11, z22, z33, z44, z55,...)
	* similar to shear-shear we consider 20 ell-bins but cut out bins where k>0.3
- Cluster Number Counts:
	* binned in 3 (for Y1) and 4 (for Y10) tomographic bins
	* each tomogrpahic bin is again binned in 5 richness bins (Richness bin 0: 2.000000e+01 - 3.000000e+01, Richness bin 1: 3.000000e+01 - 4.500000e+01, Richness bin 2: 4.500000e+01 - 7.000000e+01, Richness bin 3: 7.000000e+01 - 1.200000e+02, Richness bin 4: 1.200000e+02 - 2.200000e+02
- Cluster Weak Lensing 
	* for Y1, 6 valid combinations of clusters (foreground) and sources (background exist), for Y10 we have 11 such tomographic power spectra. 
	* each of these power spectra is again divided into 5 richness bins
	* each richness bin has 5 ell-bins, corresponding to the last 5 ell-bins in "ell-values" 

- Number of data points:
	* The Y10 full data vector (e.g., 3x2pt_clusterN_clusterWL_Y10_fid) has 1295 data points altogether, which comprises:
		# 300 data points for cosmic shear (20 ell-bins, 15 tomographic power spectra)
		# 500 data points for galaxy-galaxy lensing (20 ell bins, 25 accepted lens-source power spectra combinations)
		# 200 data points for galaxy clustering (20 ell-bins, 10 lens bins)
		# 20 data points for cluster number counts (4 redshift and 5 richness bins)
		# 275 data points for cluster weak lensing (11 allowed combinations of cluster lens bin and galaxy source bin, 5 ell-bins, 5 richness bins)

  	* The Y1 full data vector (e.g., 3x2pt_clusterN_clusterWL_Y1_fid) has 705 data points altogether, which comprises:
		# 300 data points for cosmic shear (20 ell-bins, 15 tomographic power spectra)
		# 140 data points for galaxy-galaxy lensing (20 ell bins, 7 accepted lens-source power spectra combinations)
		# 100 data points for galaxy clustering (20 ell-bins, 5 lens bins)
		# 15 data points for cluster number counts (3 redshift and 5 richness bins)
		# 150 data points for cluster weak lensing (6 allowed combinations of cluster lens bin and galaxy source bin, 5 ell-bins, 5 richness bins)

Important: Within the stored data vectors (joint and individual probes) scales that are EXCLUDED from the analysis are INCLUDED in the data vector, but their values are set to zero. For example, given that cosmic shear imposes ell_max=3000, multiples of the cosmic shear data vector index range [15-19] are zero.


D) Covariance file format
In the folder "cov/" the user can find the multi-probe original covariances for Y1 and Y10 "*_3x2pt_clusterN_clusterWL_cov" and the inverse covariances for the various probe combinations. The same name conventions of the data vectors hold.

Format of the covariance matrix "*_cov":
- The columns contain the following information: cov index 1 | cov index 2 | ell_1 | ell_2 | z1 | z2 | z3 | z4 | cov_Gauss | cov_Non-Gauss | 
- Note that cov_Non-Gauss does not also include cov_Gauss. In order to obtain the full cov, both must be added.
- The multi-probe covariance that can be built from this file has the same dimension as the data vectors described above, i.e. 1295 for Y10 and 705 for Y1. Please see the included "" file (line 46 to 48) how to build the covariance correctly. Note that for computing (and storage) efficiency purposes we use several symmetry properties of the covariance and only compute the upper triangular matrix (for Y10: the file stores 886525 elements of the total 1677025 cov elements).
- The covaraince "knows" about the scale cuts imposed in the analysis. For elements that are being cut out later, only a main diagonal element is computed, no off-diagonal elements. This enables a proper inversion process and later exclusion of the corresponding elements. 

Inverse Covariances: 
- To create inverse covariance matrices for all the probe combinations considered from the "*cov" file, please comment/uncomment the corresponding lines (Y1 vs Y10) in the file and execute "./" from the command line. This will also generate a plot of the Y1 and Y10 covariance matrix, respectively.
- The resulting inverse covariance matrix files "*_inv" have the dimension squared of the corresponding data vectors.   
- The columns correspond to:  index 1 | index 2 | inverse (Gaussian+NonGaussian cov)
- Elements that should be excluded because of scale cuts are being set to zero in the inverse covariance matrix (happens in after the inversion process). That is if the data vector element "i" is zero, the corresponding row and column in the inverse also have zeros. 


E) Redshift distributions:
- The folder "zdistris/" contains 4 redshift distributions, corresponding to the Y1 and Y10, lens and source distributions
- The columns are z_min |z_mid | z_max | dn/dz (normalized such that area is 1 under the curve)

F) Fisher matrices and Figure of Merit calculations
- In the folder "Fishers/" we store the files corresponding to the Fisher matrices of WL+LSS+CL for the cosmological parameters only "Fisher_cosmo.txt" and when including the self-calibratable systematics "Fisher_all.txt". In addition, we store the DETF-FoMs in the file "FoM.txt"
- For the Fisher_cosmo, the  order of the parameters is Omega_m, sigma_8, n_s, w0, wa, Omega_b, h0
- For Fisher_all the first 7 columns also correspond to these 7 parameters, however the self-calibratable systematics parameters that are appended to the cosmological parameters are different from probe to probe:
	* shear-shear: 7 cosmological parameters and 4 IA parameters, specifically, IA amplitude "A", IA luminosity scaling "beta", IA redshift scaling "eta", IA redshift scaling at high-z "eta_high-z"
	* position-position: 7 cosmological parameters and 5 galaxy bias parameters for Y1 and 10 galaxy bias parameters for Y10
	* cluster Number Counts + Cluster Weak Lensing: 7 cosmological parameters and 3 parameters to describe mean Mass-Observable-Relation parameters (A, B, C as explained in Eq. 7 in the DESC-SRD) and 3 parameters to describe the mass dependent scatter (sigma_0, q_m, qz as explained in Eq. 8 in the DESC-SRD) 
	* 3x2pt: 7 cosmological parameters and, the 5 (Y1) or 10 (Y10) bias parameters and the 4 IA parameters
	* 3x2pt+cluster Number Counts+Cluster Weak Lensing: 7 cosmological parameters and, the 5 (Y1) or 10 (Y10) bias parameters, the 4 IA parameters and the 6 MOR parameters as described above
- All "Fisher*.txt" files contain the Fisher matrices in a convenient np.array format, which can be immediately copied and pasted into e.g. an ipython notebook.
- We also store all Fisher matrices (including the Stage 3 with and without w0wa information) as npy files in the "Fishers" folder
- The FoM.txt file contains the DETF FoMs for the different science cases (denoted as "mode" in the file) followed by the value of "r" that is derived from the parameter biases that occur due to a systematic (please see Eq. 2 in Sect. C2 of the DESC SRD for the exact definition). 
- We compute FoMs and "r" values for 2 cases: including and excluding Stage 3 priors (without their constraining power on w0 and wa).



Forecasts for the DESC_SRD 2018






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