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thomcz edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 15 revisions

This is a short introduction how to use the Papyrus Textual Diagram Provider.


To follow this quick start, it is recommended to use the Uml Examples from this project. Start your Eclipse and import the example project into your Eclipse workspace.

Transform Your First Diagram

First of all you have to open the "TextualDiagram View" and the "Model Explorer". Open TextualDiagram View Open TextualDiagram View

Now open the "IntroductionCourse" from the example project and select the use case diagram. Open UseCase

Switch now to the TextualDiagram View and you'll see that the selected use case diagram has been transformed into PlantUML notation.


If you add or remove elements the TextualDiagram View will be updated.

To stop the live transformation just click the stop button to the right and the live transformation will stop until you click it again.

stop live transformation

You can use the resulting PlantUml code in any application that supports PlantUml for example the [PlantUML Web Server] ( or you can enable graphical visualization for the PlantUML code by clicking the PlantUML viewer Button the right of the TextualDiagram View.

open graphical visualization

Now the PlantUML Viewer will open and transform the PlantUml code into a UML diagram again.

PlantUML viewer

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