Study of concepts in programming languages and major programming paradigms, especially functional programming. Special emphasis on design tradeoffs that enable students to make sound choices of programming languages for a given software development task. Programming projects. Nonmajor graduate credit.
Hua Ming, [email protected]
Office Hours:
- Location: B20 Atanasoff Hall
- Time: Tuesday 4-5pm
- Meeting Time: TR 2:10 - 3:30pm
- Location: Gilman 1104
- Wednesday at 9am in Gilman 1312
- Wednesday at 4:10pm in Gilman 0312
Office Hours
- Monday at 2-3pm in Pearson 0145
- Friday at 2-3:30pm in Pearson 0145
Office Hours:
- Tues & Thurs at 11am - noon in Pearson 0145
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 4-5pm in B22 Atanasoff
- The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman & Matthias Felleisen. Amazon
- Essentials of Programming Languages by Daniel P. Friedman & Mitchell Wand. Amazon
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson & Gerald Sussman. Amazon
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